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Sudoku by Nikoli trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Sudoku by Nikoli came out on the North American eShop this week. Unsure about the game? Maybe this trailer will give you a better idea as to what it’s all about.

Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham is at it again with another large update about the company’s projects. In the video blog above, Watsham discusses Mutant Mudds 2 (which is practically a lock for 2013), release time frames for already-announced games, new ideas (such as a new 2D platformer), and more.

As we mentioned previously, Chronicles of Vampires: The Awakening will be hitting the eShop/DSi shop next week. It’ll cost $4.99/500 points.

Finally, a real look at Fire Emblem: Awakening in video form…

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