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You can watch this trailer in 3D if you’d like. Get those 3D glasses!

… or you can head to the eShop and watch it without glasses.

It’s great to see Nintendo advertising the eShop/Freakyforms. They need to get the word out to consumers about this content!

Following yesterday’s screenshot blast, the first footage of the Ninja Gaiden III’s multiplayer mode has been shown. IGN is currently hosting a live-stream of the game, and we’ve captured the multiplayer segment for your convenience. The stream is still going on (for now) and has now shifted to Ninja Gaiden III’s campaign – you can find it here.

Thanks to Christian I for the tip!

I don’t want to sound mean, but this kind of looks horrendous. I wonder if the 3DS version is any better…

Thanks to Sandy for the tip!

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