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Update: Bumping this to the front page since the original embedded video wasn’t working. It should appear now!

It’s almost weird to me seeing Robin Williams talking about video games this much. I’m used to watching him in his films… like Mrs. Doubtfire. That’s still an amazing movie, by the way!


You know, I’ve been thinking of picking up a new DS Lite just for my collection. Unfortunately, my original Lite broke thanks to a faulty hinge and it’s bothered me for some time. That’s the first Nintendo system’s that was destroyed and I didn’t even feel as though it was my fault!

Thanks to Smeagle for the tip!

Ken Levine has said that, although he’s excited about Wii U, his company isn’t creating any games for the platform. So it should come as no surprise that BioShock Infinite isn’t in development for Nintendo’s new console. When asked if Irrational Games is looking at Wii U, Shawn Robertson told GamesweltTV “Not at the moment with this, no.”


X-Men: Destiny trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

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