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3DS eShop


You may know VD-Dev as the team behind C.O.P.: The Recruit. While the game’s reception was mixed, the company pulled off an impressive feat by creating a 3D open world-type environment on the DS.

We haven’t heard much from VD-Dev in recent years, but they’re working on a brand new 3DS eShop game titled “IronFall”. There aren’t a whole lot of details available on the official website, but hopefully we’ll hear more soon.


Shovel Knight had been tentatively scheduled to launch in September. However, the month went by without any sort of mention from Yacht Club Games, and it soon became clear that the game wouldn’t be out “on time”.

We now have a new release window, at least. A tweet from Yacht Club’s Twitter account states that Shovel Knight is due out sometime this winter.

Winter 2013? Next year? That’s anybody’s guess at this point!

Source, Via

1,001 Spikes features characters from other indie titles, like Nyx from NyxQuest. Others additions to the roster include President Thompson, Sugimoto, and a random zombie from 8-Bits Fanatics’ title.

Those who take on Thompson will be able to use his machine gun while Sugimoto has his katana. Zombie has a unique ability in that he can take one hit and survive – other characters perish after a single blow.


Aqua Moto Racing 3D will be released next week on the North American 3DS eShop, Zordix has announced. The game will be available on October 10. A final price point has not yet been confirmed.

You can watch a new trailer above, and check out a listing of features below.

Selected Features
Ride Real Waves in Exotic Locations.
Experience 48 Challenging Courses
Perform Gut-Wrenching Stunts
Single Player Career with 14 Championships
Local Play Action with Up To 6 Players
Generous Download Play Capabilities
Beat Target Times and Unlock Medals
Excel in 25 Achievements

Source: Zordix PR

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