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Monster Hunter 4 is just a few days away from releasing in Japan, but Capcom is still updating the game’s official website. The latest content covers two more monsters – Rathalos and Zinogre. Screenshots and details for both can be found below.


– Spews flame
– Uses speed and flight to attack hunters below
– Often called the King of the Sky
– His rookery (also houses his wife Rathian) overlooks his territory easily from on high
– Tip of his tail has poison
– When he ground slams hunters to the floor is more than happy to take a healthy bite out of daring foes


– Thunder dragon
– Uses lightning and thunder while rending swipes of his razor-sharp claws and long tail lashes
– Sometimes calls on surrounding lightning bugs to grant him super-charged powers
– If this happens, Zinogre’s lightning strikes will annihilate everyone around him



A new puzzle has arrived in the Japanese StreetPass Mii Plaza. Users can now begin filling in a panel for Darumeshi Sports Shop, Nintendo’s recently released 3DS eShop title. An image of the puzzle-in-progress can be found above.

Atlus will release a demo for Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl next Monday, the company has confirmed. The download will be available starting on September 16. Several new screenshots have been prepared – you can find them above.

We also have clarification about the special “Untold, Unseen, Unheard” artbook and CD. These items will come with every pre-order and first run copies. It’s not limited to participating retailers.

Source: Atlus PR

Nintendo has previously spoken about making Zelda accessible. This is something that was discussed even prior to the reveal of Skyward Sword. And it’s something that Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma is striving for, though he’s not looking to lessen the experience.

Speaking with IGN, Aonuma said the following when asked if he’s trying to reintroduce any themes given how long the 3D Zeldas have been around:

“That’s a tough one. Well, for us, when we’re developing a new Zelda, we’re not necessarily focused on which target audience we’re aimed at. We definitely think about who the target audience is, but we’re not focused on a specific age range or specific gender. What we want is a wide audience, so that this game is open and accessible to as wide an audience as possible and everyone enjoys it.”

“I think there’s been a tendency lately to see games as more focused in on a specific audience or a specific age. We’re seeing that range of interest in a game become narrower as we feel like we’re forced to make a game that appeals to a certain group. If we don’t make it appeal to a teenager, then it’s not a game that they’re going to mark off on their calendar.”

“What I want to do going forward is to find that balance, where the game appeals to a wide audience, but is still true to what we’re trying to create. That’s the challenge for us, trying to find that balance. Going forward, I want to make Zelda accessible to a wide audience. It’s trying to find that direction and the vehicle through which we can accomplish that goal that’s the challenge we face every day in development.”

Polygon has published a new interview with Eiji Aonuma which focuses mostly on the upcoming release of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD. Still, a couple of questions regarding A Link Between Worlds and Zelda Wii U were also asked. You can find the full Q&A roundup below.

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