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Discover a New Pokémon Type and a New Way to Interact with Pokémon in the Next Evolution of Pokémon Video Games

LONDON, UK—June 11, 2013— Kicking off an exciting week of Pokémon activity at E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles, The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo announced today that the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y video games will launch worldwide on Saturday, October 12, 2013 for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. The simultaneous worldwide release of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y will allow new and veteran Pokémon fans around the globe the opportunity to battle and trade never-before-seen Pokémon and past favourites with each other immediately.

Also confirmed today is that the newly discovered Pokémon Sylveon is in fact a brand-new type: a Fairy-type Pokémon. The first new type to be introduced in a Pokémon video game in over a decade, Fairy-type Pokémon like Sylveon and their Fairy-type moves will be super effective against Dragon-type Pokémon! Prior to Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, only Dragon-type and Ice-type moves were super effective against Dragon-type Pokémon. Fairy-type Pokémon will include not only newly discovered Pokémon like Sylveon, but also Pokémon from past titles like Gardevoir, Marill, and Jigglypuff, which will be reclassified as Fairy-type Pokémon in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. Fairy-type Pokémon, the 18th Pokémon type, will add a new dimension and strategy to battling in the new games.

More details about Sylveon, plus two never-before-seen Pokémon, have been revealed today:

Nintendo finally unveiled its new Smash Bros. game for Wii U and 3DS today. Both games are coming next year. A special challenge will be included: Mega Man.

Pokemon X/Y trailer

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments


Nintendo have launched pages for Pokemon X and Pokemon Y on the 3DS eShop. Although there isn’t a ton of information included, they do mention that StreetPass and SpotPass are supported. Both will be available as digital downloads as well.


Namco Bandai’s official website for One Piece: Unlimited World Red is live. You can find it here. In the future, the page should be jam-packed with screenshots, trailers, and more.

There won’t be a Nintendo press conference at E3 2013 today, but Nintendo is holding a few major events that you should be aware up.

First up is the Nintendo Direct, which will take place at 10 AM ET / 7 AM PT. We’ll be getting first looks at Smash Bros., new 3D Mario and Mario Kart titles for Wii U, and a lot more. These three games alone should be better than Nintendo’s past two E3 events put together! You’ll want to visit Nintendo Everything during the Nintendo Direct for live news updates and trailers, and we’ll continue with our coverage once the presentation ends.

Next up will be Nintendo’s “Wii U Software Showcase” at 1:30 PM ET / 10:30 AM PT. This won’t be live-streamed, and it’s not really a conference, as its mainly an opportunity for the press to try out new games. But Reggie Fils-Aime and Shigeru Miyamoto will be in attendance, so there could be a few interesting nuggets.

Nintendo’s last major event is the Pokemon X/Y roundtable at 9 PM ET / 6 PM PT. We’ll be covering this one as well as things happen. Expect a healthy dose of news regarding Pokemon X/Y.

Oh, and there’s also GameTrailers’ “Nintendo Power Hour” at 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT!

If that wasn’t enough, we’ll be having extensive original content for all of the big Nintendo games – podcasts, previews, videos, and photos – throughout the show. You can find all of our plans here.

Should be a fun few days ahead.

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