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Thanks to Buck2 for the tip.


AKB48+Me and Samurai Warriors: Chronicles 2nd are the first two third-party games to be released on the Japanese 3DS eShop. Both titles are due out on the store on October 25.

Consumers will find that the digital version of Samurai Warriors is cheaper than the retail product. The former costs 6,090 yen while the latter will be available for 5,400 yen. This will be the first time that a title is cheaper on the 3DS eShop.

In related news, a version 1.1 update is coming to Chronicles 2nd. That’s expected on October 16. It’ll correct a few bugs and will add a new easier difficulty mode.


UK consumers can now pre-order the limited edition Pikachu 3DS XL.

Thus far, GAME is accepting early orders. You can pre-order here. Pricing is set at £179.99.

Thanks to Taliesin Mosler for the tip.

Inazuma Eleven Go 2 scan

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Another Youkai Watch scan

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Last year, Level-5 announced a brand new IP titled “Youkai Watch”. We made a post about that here.

It appears that the series’ debut game is in the works for the 3DS. A scan emerging from the latest issue of CoroCoro confirms the news.

Although we don’t have any details to report on yet, a scan can be found above.

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