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I think this Nintendo Download sets the record for most games available in a single week. There’s really a lot to be interested here between the Heroes of Ruin demo, Sakura Samurai discount, and and classic games on the eShop and Wii Shop Channel.

This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop

The Legend of Zelda™ – Celebrate the Nintendo eShop “8-bit Summer” series with this smash-hit adventure, originally released on the NES™ console in 1987. Help Link™ restore the Triforce, rescue the princess and thwart Ganon’s evil plans. (For Nintendo 3DS™)

NES Open Tournament Golf™ – This classic NES game from 1991 – now available for Nintendo 3DS as part of the Nintendo eShop “8-bit Summer” series – lets you challenge another player in Stroke, Match and Tournament modes. (For Nintendo 3DS)

If you pre-order New Super Mario Bros. 2 from GameStop, you’ll receive a bonus from the retailer. All pre-orders come with a gold Mario pin. You can find more information about the item here.


3DS XL shots – round 3

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Included above are the latest photos taken of the 3DS XL. There are lots of close-ups of the system, comparisons with other devices, and more.

Source 1, Source 2

The Arc Style series continues on the Japanese eShop. Arc System Works released the latest entry today, Baseball 3D. It’s available for 500 yen.

Arc Style: Baseball 3D contains tournament and exhibition modes, customization, and a local multiplayer offering.

Screenshots from the title have been posted above.

Scan the QR code above with your to add Denise Richards to your Mii collection. This does seem random on Nintendo’s part, but I guess there are some folks out there who’d be interested in bringing the actress to their 3DS.

Source, Via

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