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Unlike the North American and Japanese announcement, the 3DS XL reveal for the UK didn’t include a specific price point. That’s because retailers will be determining their own prices, much like the original 3DS.

According to a Nintendo representative, prices “should be going live ASAP”.

The spokesperson said:

“As always, the final price to consumers is determined by the retailers, but we have aimed at making the price as reasonable as we can to the consumer.”

The 3DS XL launches in Europe and Japan on July 28.


Take your formee on a whirlwind adventure across your very own personalised planet when Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations, Alive! launches on Nintendo 3DS this summer

22ndJune 2012 – Let your imagination run wild this summer when Freakyforms Deluxe Your Creations, Alive! launches across Europe for Nintendo 3DS on 28th July 2012. Bring your very own creatures to life, plucking each designed element from the depths of your mind to create something truly unique. Called formees, your customised creatures are created on a drawing board featuring a large palette of shapes, body parts and colours that can be put together and tweaked to transform them into pretty much anything. The only limit is your imagination.

As the expanded version of the Nintendo 3DS Download Software title, Freakyforms, Your Creations, Alive!, this eccentric game is packed full of user-generated content and contains a wide range of new features for you to enjoy. There are a lot of body parts to choose from when designing your formee, such as wings allowing your formee to fly and wheels that will make your formee move much faster on land.

Larger Version of Nintendo 3DS System Launches Alongside New Super Mario Bros. 2 on Aug. 19

REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– A big year for the Nintendo 3DS system is about to get even bigger. In a Nintendo Direct video on June 21, Nintendo revealed plans to launch Nintendo 3DS XL, a new version of Nintendo 3DS with 90 percent larger screens. When it becomes available across North America on Aug. 19 at a suggested retail price of $199.99, the new system will create even more immersive entertainment experiences for users, delivering a wealth of games and video content that can be enjoyed on the go.

Nintendo 3DS XL features an updated form factor and will be available in Red or Blue. The new system’s battery life outperforms that of the original Nintendo 3DS, and it comes bundled with a 4 GB SD card, which owners can use to store content such as downloadable games and videos from the Nintendo eShop. Nintendo 3DS XL launches on Aug. 19, the same day as New Super Mario Bros. 2, a new installment in the fan-favorite Mario game series.

The North American release of the 3DS XL will indeed include an AC adapter. In Europe and Japan, however, this product must be purchased separately. DSi, DSi XL, and 3DS adapters will be compatible with the system.

Along with the AC adapter itself, a cradle/adapter combo will be offered in Europe. It’s currently unknown if the cradle will be included in the North American box.

3DS XL trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

3DS XL direct-feed images

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Update: Bumping to the front page with even more images.

European 3DS users can download a demo for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy via the eShop. The full game launches on July 6.

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