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Nintendo has announced a sweet deal for European Club Nintendo members. Fans who register two 3DS games on the rewards site will given a code to download 3D Classics: Kid Icarus.

The list of eligible games to be registered are as follows:

  • Resident Evil: Revelations
  • Mario Kart 7
  • Super Pokémon Rumble
  • Super Mario 3D Land
  • Tetris
  • Star Fox 64 3D
  • Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
  • The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 3D
  • Dead or Alive Dimensions
  • Steel Diver
  • nintendogs + cats
  • Pilotwings Resort
  • Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition

This offer applies to members who have registered (or will register) 3DS titles between November 1, 2011 and January 31, 2012. 3D Classics: Kid Icarus will be available on January 5.

Nintendo of Europe is also preparing a competition involving 3,000 limited edition 3DS systems. If you’ve registered two 3DS titles and are over the age of 18, you can enter the drawing to win one of the prizes (1,000 Mario, 1,000 Princess Peach and 1,000 Toad systems). You can enter up to five times by registering ten games in total.

Source: Nintendo PR

On this week’s episode: Mario Kart 7, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Super Mario 3D Land.

You can read today’s post of the day here.

Apologies for not doing a post of the day yet this week. Finals are coming up soon, Skyward Sword is just begging to be played, and I have about a thousand other things to do- but alas, I have a free moment this evening and I’m here to tell you all about something I legitimately consider pretty gosh darn important: The brilliance of Renegade Kid’s upcoming platformer, Maximillion and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds.

As some of you who were here during our E3 coverage know, I had the pleasure of spotting and talking to Jools Watsham outside on a bench near a giant tank. I’m not sure what the tank was actually for, but it didn’t really matter because as soon as he put the E3 demo of Maximillion and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds in my hands, I was completely enthralled and forgot about the hunk of metal completely.

The reason I chose this particular post for the PotD is simply because I want to make sure you all know how much I recommend getting the game when it releases this January. This isn’t Renegade Kid coming to me asking me to do a feature, it’s not me getting some secret swag for writing about the game, and it’s not like I’m getting paid to write about something specific. As is the case with everything I write, I’m actually just doing it because I want to tell you guys something I’m passionate about.

For those who aren’t aware, Mutant Mudds was first announced waaaaaay back when as a 3D platformer, but eventually went through various changes/deaths/rebirths until- as we see today- it became a beautiful and incredibly fun “12 bit” platformer that uses the strengths of the 3DS’ glasses-free thing to absolutely fantastic degrees. Honestly, it’s one of the most fun 3DS games I’ve ever been able to lay my hands on, and I’d venture to say that- perhaps in hindsight let’s say except for Skyward Sword– it’s the best game I played at E3. Man, it would be so easy for me to go into a thousand word article about the game’s strengths, but I really want to keep these PotD things short and easy to read, so ultimately just go check out videos and info yourself- I know we have a bunch of it on NintendoEverything. Essentially, if you have any interest in games like Mario and Rayman, please put this one on your list, because it’s looking to become the first great eShop exclusive. Period.

Head to the 3DS eShop now to watch the latest episode of Nintendo Show 3D. As always, the video streams in 3D.

This week’s show covers Mario Kart 7, the LA Auto Show, Catrap, Mega Man: Dr. Wily’s Revenge, and Cave Story 3D. You can also get a look at the creation process behind the life size Mario Karts.

The next episode of Nintendo Show 3D will hit the eShop on December 15.

This video basically speaks for itself:

Snaking wasn’t really possible in Mario Kart Wii, but it does look like players can pull it off in this game.

As far as I can tell, Nintendo is bringing just two games to Jump Festa 2012. The company’s Jump Festa page shows that consumers can get their hands on both Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 in a couple of weeks. Both of these titles will have already been released by the time the show kicks off.

There isn’t any mention about a Pokemon “surprise” that has been rumored for the show. However, that doesn’t mean a new video game reveal is out of the question. We may get a better idea about the Pokemon Company’s plans if they open up a special Jump Festa site of their own.

Jump Festa 2012 takes place on December 17 and 18 at the Makuhari Messe.

Communities are definitely a great idea for this series. We’ll have to make one for Nintendo Everything Game Nights!

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