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Nintendo Week 11/24
Mario Kart 7 Trailer
Mario Kart 7 TV Spot
Zelda 25th Anniversary Special Message From The Developers
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Post Trailer
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword TV Spot
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Getting Up To Speed
The Legend of Zelda Great Fairy’s Fountain Theme
The Legend of Zelda Ballad of the Goddess
Fortune Street Trailer
Pushmo Trailer
The Adventures of Tintin Trailer
Studio Instant Artist Black Tablet Trailer
Happy Feet Two Trailer
Shinobi Game Trailer
Come On! Heroes Trailer
Battle of the Elements Trailer
Big Bass Arcade Trailer

Renegade Kid brought two original IPs to the DS: Dementium and Moon. Dementium even received a sequel last year.

While the studio hasn’t made any official announcements about releasing a new Dementium/Moon game for the 3DS, Jools Watsham would certainly love to do so.

He said on Twitter:

“… I would LOVE to develop Dementium/Moon for 3DS. Might have to create new IP to do it. :)”


Thanks to Jake for the tip!

If you live and Europe and have some interest in Mario Kart 7, perhaps you’ll consider pre-ordering the game. Those who do pre-order it will receive the lovely pouch in the photo above.

Nintendo’s notice regarding the pouch and the European Mario Kart 7 website can be found after the break.

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