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A new suit has been revealed for Super Mario 3D Land. Along with the Tanooki Suit, players will be able to take on the Boomerang Bros. Suit/Hammer Suit in the game. I believe that this is the first time it’ll be making an appearance in a 3D Mario title!


The second episode of the Nintendo Show 3D is up now on the 3DS eShop. The video covers games such as Tetris Axis and Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition. Additionally, the last portion of the show contains the Super Mario 3D Land introduction that can be viewed in 3D.

The third episode will be released in two weeks.

Nintendo Week (10/6)

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, Videos, Wii | 0 comments

On this week’s episode: Tetris Axis, Rune Factory: Ties of Destiny, MotoHeroz, NBA 2K12 and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.

King of Pirates details

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Keiji Inafune’s new game was announced yesterday, but we didn’t hear much in terms of actual details. In an interview with 4Gamer, Inafune shared some broad information about the project. He only provided a few gameplay details, so we’ll have to wait a little longer to see how this title will play out.

– Keiji Inafune showed the game to AQ Interactive (now part of Marvelous AQL) early on, once the plot was created to a certain level
– Inafune chose the 3DS for this project since he believes it’ll expand its userbase
– Inafune admits that the 3DS is having some problems currently
– Inafune also said Nintendo makes a lot of kids oriented games, and he wants to make something at the same level of quality as a Nintendo game
– Mixes pirates with the Sangokushi story
– Inafune believes creativity isn’t creating something from scratch, but creating something new by mixing things together
– He wants to take typical Sangokushi/pirate elements and change them up somewhat
– Game won’t look like the CG concept trailer
– Inafune expects that the game will feature the same design style even with the visuals brought down to the system’s specs
– Hexpects to be able to deliver something playable that has the same image as the concept trailer
– Two broad types of combat in the game
– One combat type: ship to ship
– Second combat type: person to person
– 300 characters, some strong on their own and some strong in groups
– Selecting which character to use will be part of the gameplay
– Story may be too long to fit into three parts according to Inafune
– Each game will have its own conclusion
– Games will span hundreds of years
– Penguin is Liu Bei
– Liu Bei will even have kids
– Inafune understands that many fans probably want something more adult oriented with zombies and blood
– Inafune first wanted to make the game he wanted to make
– He has more on the way other than just King of Pirates


October 6th, 2011 – Nicalis, Inc., developer and publisher of independently awesome video games is VVVVVVery excited to announce a publishing agreement with Terry Cavanagh for VVVVVV on the Nintendo 3DS eShop. VVVVVV features the same amazingly retro gameplay, aesthetic and chiptune music (by Swedish musician, Magnus Pålsson), but now in 3D and on the go with your 3DS. Attendees of Indiecade in Culver City, California can play a near-complete preview VVVVVVersion for the first time on 3DS! Just find Terry Cavanagh or Tyrone Rodriguez and ask them to play!

Released in late 2010 for PC, VVVVVV is a 2D action-platformer deeply rooted in the days of 8-bit gaming with incredibly challenging gameplay and secrets. In VVVVVV, you play as Captain Viridian, who must not only save a dimension on the brink of collapse, but also find your ship’s crew–all of whose names begin with the letter V.

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