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Grand Knights History producer Yoshifumi Hashimoto has revealed that Inti Creates is working on a new 3DS title. Named “Dragon Marked for Death”, the project will make use of heavy online functionality, that Hashimoto says is “amazing”.

Hashimoto said:

“Grand Knights History has been in development for a long time, but Dragon Marked for Death has been in development for even longer. Dragon Marked for Death is still in development. Right now we are working on the network features. It’s coming along quite well, it’s just that we’re not at a point where we can announce anything. The online is going to be amazing, but we can’t announce anything else right now, though.”

Inti Creates has been around since the mid-90’s, though they may be best known for their work on Mega Man 9 and Mega Man 10. The studio also created Gal*Gun for the Xbox 360. Marvelous will publish Dragon Marked for Death in Japan when it is released.


Side Pocket footage

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Two new trailers and 75 screenshots on the same day?! Plus new Zelda: Skyward Sword videos and Mario Kart 7 screenshots?! Today’s a great day to be a Nintendo fan!

The original version of this video that we posted earlier today mysteriously lacked sound. This version does, however!

See anything special in this Super Mario 3D Land art piece? It’s kind of hard to see, but there’s a Tanooki Luigi statue hidden on the right.

Let’s blow up the image a bit…

There we go!

Will we be able to play as Luigi? If so, it would only make sense that you’ll be able to use the Tanooki Suit while controlling him in some levels.


Saturday 10/15 from 13:30 to 20:00

Inazuma Eleven Go Fan Appreciation Festival (Version A) with music live
Introduction to New Level-5 Titles: Girl’s RPG, Fantasy Life, Mystery Room, Time Travelers, and newly announced titles too
Level-5 Music Live
Level-5 World 2011 Raffle

Sunday 10/16 from 10:00 to 18:00

Little Battler eXperience Special Stage and music live
Ni no Kuni PS3 Stage with live manzai performance and introduction from America Zarigani
Cosplay Contest
Inazuma Eleven Go Fan Appreciation Festival (Version B) with Music Live
Gundam Age Premium Stage with talk session and music live
Level-5 World 2011 Raffle

Level-5 will also stream their press conference live. It’ll take place next Saturday from 11:00 to 12:30.


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