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1. [Wii] Rhythm Heaven Wii
2. [PSP] MonHun Nikki: Poka Poka Ailu Mura G
3. [3DS] Super Pokemon Rumble
4. [DS] Kirby Mass Attack

5. [PS3] Chou Jigen Game Neptune Mk-II
6. [PSP] Growlanser IV
7. [3DS] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
8. [Wii] Wii Sports Resort

9. [PSP] Amnesia
10. [PSP] J-League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! 7 Euro Plus

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance isn’t the only 3DS game that will be making its playable debut at the Tokyo Game Show this year. Konami’s Beyond the Labyrinth will also be playable for the first time in a few weeks. A sixty second trailer is also being prepared for the event.

The Tokyo Game Show will take place from September 15 to September 18.

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!


Nicalis has revealed that NightSky is coming to the 3DS. In a series of tweets, the company said that the title will be released on the eShop.

Nicalis tweeted:

“NightSky plays really well on 3DS! @nifflas. Come by the office and give it a go next week, …It’ll be eShop, yes. Looks great on the little 3DS screen. … We’ll have it done before the next eShop game we have planned.”


– Play as Phantom Thief R
– Phantom Thief R travels through Paris with his dog Fondue
– Steals treasures from real places such as Notre-Dame and The Louvre
– Rhythm action element: sneak into buildings and attempt to escape
– SEGA teaming up with famous artists for the game’s music
– More details on the above in the coming days
– Anime-ish look, cross between Lupin and Professor Layton
– No release date
– 50% complete

For the initial announcement post about this title, head on over to this link.


A few pre-TGS rumors have surfaced, but they have a bit of extra credibility compared to the average speculation. Why? Well, although the rumors are a few months old, some of them have actually been proven accurate already.

For instance, Rhythm Thnief R: Emperor Napoleon’s Legacy was just confirmed in Famitsu today, but the rumor originated back in July.

Here’s the rumor checklist as it stands now:

[ ] 4 Warriors of Light 2, 3DS
[ ] Monster Hunter Tri G, 3DS
[ ] Miku Hatsune, 3DS
[x] Sega has a Layton-like game but with rhythm action instead of puzzles, to be announced at TGS.
[ ] DQ10 is being designed as an MMO-like game.

We’ve posted the Nintendo-related rumors in this post, but if you’d like to see the full list, head on over to this link.


The Chunsoft novel adventure title isn’t the only 3DS title announcement in Famitsu this week. The magazine has also unveiled a new project from SEGA: Rhythm Thief R: Emperor Napoleon’s Legacy.

The game, which is set for a winter release in Japan, features a combination of rhythm action and adventure gameplay. Famitsu reports that it will make use of the 3DS’ gyroscope.

Those are the only details that have been transcribed from the magazine thus far, though additional details will likely leak out over the next few hours.


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