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Experience Fishing in 3D Anywhere You Go!

Burlingame, CA, June 28, 2011 – Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer and publisher of family-oriented video games, announced today that Reel Fishing Paradise 3D for the Nintendo 3DS is now available at retail for an MSRP of $29.99 and is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB.

“Reel Fishing Paradise 3D lets you immerse yourself in a fantastic 3D experience unlike anything you’ve seen before!” said Hiro Maekawa, President and CEO at Natsume. “Featuring beautiful locations and a huge variety of fish and tackle, Reel Fishing Paradise 3D is the dream fishing vacation you can take with you wherever you go!”

I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these images are from the iPhone version, though the two games shouldn’t differ drastically.

WayForward’s next addition to the “Mighty” series is coming to a 3DS eShop near you. The company announced, through Nintendo Power, that Mighty Switch Force is on the way. You can read up on the first round of details from the magazine below.

– Cute/feisty female is the lead character
– Go through different action and puzzle stages
– More focus on action this time
– Play as Patricia Wagon, a law-enforcement officer
– Play through Metroid-like stages to find/eliminate the evil Space Hooligans

Matt Bozon, Creative Director of WayForward shared another round of details…

On this week’s episode: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Launch Event, friend code talk, Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident and Inchworm Animation.

NIS America has announced that Cave Story 3D will now be releasing on November 8. This isn’t the first time the game has been delayed, but it’s probably for the best. Cave Story 3D will have a bunch of competition, though. Super Mario 3D, Mario Kart 3D, and Kid Icarus: Uprising are just a few 3DS titles that will be available at around the same timeframe.

Santa Ana, Calif. –NIS America announces today that its first Nintendo 3DS™ title Cave Story 3D will be released on Nov 8, 2011 due to additional game improvements.

“We are currently undergoing improvements to enhance gameplay. Changes are in the small details, but in order to satisfy both the fans and the new players we need to make sure the game is done right. Please look forward to it this holiday season. Cave Story 3D will be a blast,” says Jack Niida, producer at NIS America, Inc.

I don’t think this has been posted on the site, but if it has then Valay will just have to delete this and punish me later!

I was browsing the forums earlier today and saw a thread posted by one of the editors there warning people who are interested in RE: Mercs 3D that Capcom has decided to include only one save file as part of the game. This wouldn’t normally be a big deal, but they’ve also decided it’d be a great idea not to give you the ability to delete the save file. Basically what this means is that if you buy the game used or rent it, you’ll be starting where the last person left off. You can’t start a new game.

I figured it was worth mentioning, because that could really be a make-or-break sort of feature for a lot of you! What do you think? Does this upset you as much as it upsets me?

The Zelda timeline is quite a touchy subject for fans of the series. Nintendo has never provided an official sequence of events, causing a significant amount of discussion and debate among franchise followers. Be rest assured though that the developers of each Zelda title put a lot of effort into the stories so that they can match up. Shigeru Miyamoto discussed that topic and more – including Yoshi’s gender – in the latest Iwata Asks.

Iwata: When you make a Zelda game, how do you think about the story?

Miyamoto: The stories in The Legend of Zelda may not match up as the series progresses. We actually expend a lot of time trying to make them match up, though. It would make things a lot easier if the players said, “Oh, that doesn’t really matter.” (laughs)

Iwata: (laughs) You would rather spend your energy making game elements rather than the story.

Miyamoto: That’s right. Sometimes people ask whether Yoshi is a boy or a girl. If I answer, “Probably a boy,” then they say, “So a boy is laying eggs?” (laughs)

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