Off-screen The Hidden footage
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Kid Icarus: Uprising card battle and multiplayer footage
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 1 Comment
Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns footage and walkthrough
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, Videos | 0 comments
Off-screen Super Mario 3D footage
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 1 Comment
Resident Evil: Revelations full demo gameplay
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Top 5 game sales worldwide (Amazon)
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
North America:
1. inFamous 2 (SCEA, PS3)
2. Just Dance 2 (Ubisoft, Wii)
3. Zumba Fitness (Majesco, Wii)
4. Mortal Kombat (Warner Bros, PS3)
5. L.A. Noire (Rockstar, X360)
1. Ryu ga Gotoku: Of the End (Sega, PS3)
2. Ryu ga Gotoku: Of the End – Limited Edition (Sega, PS3)
3. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (Capcom, PSP)
4. Biohazard: The Mercenaries 3D (Capcom, 3DS)
5. Demon’s Souls (SCEI, PS3)
1. Zumba Fitness (505 Games, Wii)
2. L.A. Noire (Rockstar, X360)
3. inFamous 2 (SCEE, PS3)
4. L.A. Noire (Rockstar, PS3)
5. Portal 2 (Valve, X360)
Nintendo Wii
North America:
1. Just Dance 2 (Ubisoft)
2. Zumba Fitness (Majesco)
3. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
4. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)
5. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (Disney)
1. Billy’s Boot Camp: Wii de Enjoy Diet! (Rocket Company)
2. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)
3. Pandora no Tou (Nintendo)
4. Wii Sports Resort with Wii Remote Plus (Nintendo)
5. Fitness Party (Namco Bandai).
1. Zumba Fitness (505 Games)
2. Just Dance 2 (Ubisoft)
3. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)
4. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
5. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (Disney)
Nintendo 3DS
North America: (Data not available.)
1. Biohazard: The Mercenaries 3D (Capcom)
2. One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP (Namco Bandai)
3. Dead or Alive Dimensions (Tecmo)
4. Layton Kyouju to Kiseki no Kamen (Nintendo)
5. Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition (Capcom)
1. Pilotwings Resort (Nintendo)
2. Nintendogs + Cats: Golden Retriever & New Friends (Nintendo)
3. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (Disney)
4. Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition (Capcom)
5. Super Monkey Ball 3D (Sega)
Nintendo DS
North America:
1. Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Nintendo)
2. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
3. Pokemon White Version (Nintendo)
4. Pokemon Black Version (Nintendo)
5. Dragon Quest V (Square Enix)
1. Battle & Get: Pokemon Typing DS (Nintendo)
2. Pocket Monsters Black (Nintendo)
3. Treasure Report (Namco Bandai)
4. Pocket Monsters White (Nintendo)
5. Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2: Professional (Square Enix)
1. Art Academy (Nintendo)
2. Let’s Draw! (Majesco)
3. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (Disney)
4. Pokemon White Version (Nintendo)
5. Pokemon Black Version (Nintendo)