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– Level up figurines that you have collected
– Figurines can unlock the ability to increase battle statistics and acquire advanced character figurines
– 500 figurines to collect
– Create “battle teams”
– “Standard” and “Light Mode” controls
– Standard: use one of four touch pads to map certain button combinations
– Light Mode: map entire specials or hyper combos to the screen
– Match-making option available to fight players using the same options as you


A few of these scans were posted on Tuesday night. All images are now in high-quality.

I don’t know how long I’ve been a Nintendo fan– it’s been for as long as I can remember– but it’s days like these that make me prouder than ever to be part of a company that’s doing so many innovative and technically astounding things with the gaming industry. In 2006 they flipped over the idea of gaming as a niche hobby with the release of the Wii, and now, 5 years later, the 3DS is on its way out and it’s setting itself up to be yet another ingenious release from this veteran of the gaming industry.

On the surface, everything about the 3DS looks like it’s prepped for success: A great launch line-up, an awesome gimmick, tons of pre-loaded things to do, and a huge potential to grow. No matter how much I want to believe that this will be the system to end all systems, however, there’s that little voice in the back of my head that reminds me of past let-downs– sure, the Wii was awesome, but it didn’t deliver on all its promises– and so I go into this launch with a very excited, but very cautious hand.

What could go wrong, you ask? Well, I’ve been thinking it over, and a lot more could go awry than you might think. The following list is not just conjecture either; each item on it has it’s factual evidence to back it up, and as much as I hope that none of it’s true, I think there’s a pretty good chance that at least one or two of these will end up becoming a reality. If all of them somehow turn out to be true, then we could really have a perfect storm of bad events and the 3DS could suffer from an extreme case of Molyneux syndrome.

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