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Nintendogs+Cats (3 versions) – Launch

Steel Diver – Spring 2011
Pilotwings Resort – Spring 2011
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D – Spring 2011

Star Fox 64 3D – Summer 2011
Kid Icarus: Uprising – Summer 2011

Mario Kart 3DS – TBA
Animal Crossing 3DS – TBA
Paper Mario 3DS – TBA


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D takes the top spot. It’s taking visitors a whopping 110 minutes to play the demo!


It’s a bit dark, but you should be able to make out most of the items in the casing, which includes the packaging for the 3DS.


– Labeled as “pilot version”
– Control Jill on a ship
– No stylus control in the demo
– On-screen pad to look while moving
– Controls on the touch screen
– Use the circle pad and press B to run
– R to ready your weapon
– Y = fire


New 3DS trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

3DS battery life revealed

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Update: A couple of more details: Battery life for DS games is five to eight hours. It will take three and a half hours to charge the 3DS.

On a number of occasions, Nintendo has stated that they would like to make the battery life of the 3DS comparable to that of the DS. However, it does not seem as though they were able to do so. According to Nintendo’s newly updated 3DS site, the battery life is listed as approximately three to five hours. This is quite different than the DS, though you have to wonder if different features will affect its performance. For instance, will turning all Wi-Fi capabilities off increase the battery life?


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