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At this point, it seems like most third-party developers are either on board with the 3DS or may consider working with the hardware in the future. One company we haven’t heard much from, however, is Crytek. Recently though, Crytek boss Cevat Yerli was asked about his thoughts regarding Nintendo’s upcoming handheld, and he appears to be rather impressed. You can check out Yerli’s full thoughts about the system below, which includes the possibility of bringing Crysis and CryEngine to the 3DS.

“I think the 3DS is an quite awesome piece of hardware. At E3, I got a demonstration from… it’s probably better not to say, but quite a senior person at Nintendo. That demo showed me a very powerful piece of graphics hardware, as well as a very interesting user-experience. I think they have a very interesting platform on their hands. They have some problems here and there but they are aware and it’s nothing that cannot be ironed out. I think the price point they’re targeting is very interesting. Everything looks like a winner on that platform. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if there is some high-end gaming happening on that platform because of the raw power of the hardware.

Whether we would like to [bring Crysis to the 3DS] or not depends on the platform itself. My initial contact with it is just that we got to see the platform at E3, going forward it may be very well that we look into putting the Cry Engine on that platform. But again this is initially thought only – nothing has been decided. There is an opportunity with Nintendo 3DS and Crytek.”

This information comes from Jools Watsham’s blog…

I am extremely proud to annouce that Renegade Kid was blessed with authorized developer status for the new super sleek and sexy Nintendo 3DS a couple of months ago. Apologies for the delay in letting everyone know, but we’ve been kinda busy digging into all of the 3DS goodness.”

Renegade Kid is one of the top DS developers, and so I’m sure they’ll maintain their high-quality of work to the 3DS. I’m very interested to see what the company has in store for Nintendo’s next handheld.


This message was posted on the Saints Row Twitter page yesterday…

“Something special in two days – do you know what it could be?”

Might we finally hear some news about Saints Row: Drive-By? Not much has been said about the game since it was unveiled at Nintendo’s E3 press conference.

Source 1, Source 2

Wii Remote Plus

– Finally confirmed and it’ll be released soon
– Nintendo has only really talked about it for Japan
– We know it’s coming to North America with FlingSmash
– Releasing in mid November in Japan
– Replacing all system bundles with Wii Remote Plus
– Same thing will probably happen in North America

“[Gaijin Games] just recently got our 3DS dev kit, and we’re working on a 3DS project. But we’re not quite ready to say exactly what it is yet. It will be a Gaijin awesome game… it’s not totally decided, but we’ll probably go retail.” – Gaijin Games’ Alex Neuse

“The smart company would put [the game] out near launch, let’s put it that way.” – Gaijin Games’ Mike Roush

This is excellent news! Gaijin Games has brought a fantastic series, Bit.Trip, to WiiWare, and now I’m very interested to see what the company has in store for the 3DS.

This information comes from Capcom’s panel at the NY Comic-Con…

– The “Project” part of Mega Man Legends 3 is related to the fact that Capcom really wants the fans to be involved with the game
– Inafune: “We need the help of everyone to make the Rocket to go save Mega Man. You’re going to help me make this game a success.”
– Capcom Unity to be involved
– Capcom wants boss characters, ideas, and voice actors for the game
– “Mega Man Legends 3 – By the fan, for the fans.”
– Capcom looking for Legends 3 Developer Room head, send an email to [email protected]
– Trailer shown, no gameplay though
– Trailer showed the developers working on the game
– Development didn’t start too long ago
– Can’t show footage yet since the game is early in development

Heroine Design Competition: Fans get to select which design will be used in the game, choose from character designs made from Mega Man designers from the past
– Can vote on Capcom Unity, 9 designs to choose from in total


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