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This information comes from Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter…

“I expect the device to be available only on eBay for its first couple of months. I think that we Westerners won’t have an opportunity to buy before Christmas, so think that sales by Christmas will be limited to a few million in Japan… I see it having huge success as an upgrade device, with sales likely limited only by supply and price. My best guess is that they will price it around $250/£199/€250, so this may limit demand somewhat, and I doubt that Nintendo will manufacture more than 10 – 15 million the first full year… I think that the 3DS’s addressable market is really the current DS market and some overlap with the current PSP market. That’s still a huge market opportunity.”

For the holidays, it seems that Nintendo will only be launching Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, Art Academy, and Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Miniland Mayhem for the DS. That sounds rather… Underwhelming. Releasing the 3DS in time for Christmas with the first round of software for the system could propel Nintendo to obtain some ridiculous sales. I just don’t know if they feel it’s necessary to ship the handheld in 2011 for North America/Europe.


This information comes from Yoshinori Ono…

– New/easier touch control mode
– Traditional controls also available
– Same 35 characters
– Street Fighter IV 3D will be “exactly the same” as the HD version
– Ono said the 3D effect is similar to putting the characters in a box and feeling the depth
– Street Fighter Fit was presented to Capcom
– Was a Wii game
– Moved on to the 3DS when Ono found out about the system
– D-pad not final
– D-pad is “coming closer to what the SFIV team prefers”
– SSFIV 3D surprise: “can only be done on the 3DS”
– Will find out in a month and a half


Seemingly out of nowhere, X-Com creator Julian Gollop revealed today that he is working on a title for Nintendo’s upcoming handheld. The project is most likely far into development, as its release will coincide with the 3DS’ launch. Gollop wouldn’t share much information about the project, though he did mention that it will be a turn-based tactical RPG. You can read his full comments below.

“Publishers run a mile from anything with turn-based mechanics – it is regarded as too niche. RTS games pretty much killed off turn-based strategy games in the mid-90s – but now even RTS games are regarded as niche. So all my experience working turn-based games from 1983-1997 is now somewhat obsolete, despite the success of X-Com. However, I am now working on a turn-based tactical RPG which will be a 3DS launch title. Thanks to ‘Advance Wars’, ‘Fire Emblem’ and ‘Final Fantasy Tactics’ it seems turn-based games are not totally dead – at least for Nintendo handhelds. I would also argue that Pokemon has a lot of parallels with X-Com in its game system, despite being classified as an ‘RPG’. The core of Pokemon is a turn-based tactical battle enriched by a sophisticated higher level meta-game that allows players to experiment with many game elements and combinations of forces – and Pokemon is the second most successful game franchise in the world. If done right, would an X-Com game with a turn-based combat system be successful? Absolutely!”

Source 1, Source 2

First, Natsume’s Vice President of Operations Graham Markay was asked if Harvest Moon 64 will be released on the Virtual Console…

“It (Harvest Moon 64) will not [be released on the Virtual Console]. It will not. And it’s not from lack of trying. Unfortunately, the code of the game is not… it’s not an easy transfer. It would be really time-consuming and long, and we’ve looked into it, and we’ve tried to see if there’s any way around certain things, but the conversion to virtual console, it’s just… I shouldn’t say it’s never going to come out, but there’s just a really, really, very small chance that it would ever come out. Which is unfortunate because we know that for a lot of dedicated, die-hard fans, that’s their favorite.”

Markay also shared his thoughts on the 3DS…

“It looks exciting. I mean, from everybody’s aspect whether it’s television manufacturers, Sony, Nintendo, it seems like 3D is the next thing. Speaking for myself and the company, yeah, it’s exciting. Speaking for myself personally, I wear glasses. So putting glasses on top of glasses is always a bit… when I take my kids to see a 3D movie, they enjoy it a little bit more than me because I always tend to not see it as well as they do because of the glasses. But it’s exciting; we are a supporter of the 3DS.”

I really had no idea that it could be so technology difficult to bring titles like Harvest Moon 64 to the Virtual Console. I wonder if similar issues are holding up other releases that could land on the service.

Thanks to Robert for the tip!


This information comes from Natsume’s VP of Operations, Graham Markay…

“I think Hiro’s [Natsume CEO] pretty excited about it. From a company standpoint, the 3DS looks innovative, it’s moving forward. Anything that’s shown and then it causes you to start thinking in your head how you can utilize it, or what you can make for it, I definitely think is something that excites us. So, uhh…we are actually looking into the 3DS, and who knows, maybe some announcements in the future… [Laughs] …Okay, that one’s an announcement (Harvest Moon)! So that one should probably come in the future. [Laughs] Moving forward, I can pretty much say that Natsume will be a definite supporter of the 3DS.”

At this point, it looks like Harvest Moon 3D won’t be a launch title for the 3DS, but you can expect it sometime after launch. Besides that title though, I’m sure we can expect a ton of other Natsume releases for the system – they’ve really supported the DS and it sounds like the company is fully on board with the Nintendo’s next handheld.


First, here’s what Spector had to say about the 3DS…

You know, if I talk about that, someone’s going to kill me, so we should move on (Laughter). I will say that we were backstage, and we were just so privileged to be part of the Nintendo press conference. That was absolutely one of the most fun things and coolest things I’ve ever done in my life. But anyway, we were backstage afterwards listening to the 3DS discussion and it’s like, we were just like getting more excited, cheering back there. Who knew it has a 3D camera? And you can watch 3D movies without glasses? I really expected him to say, ‘…and it tucks you into bed at night.’ It’s like, ‘holy cow, sign me up, I want the first one off the assembly line.’ It’s amazing, and I’m not getting paid to say that. As a gamer, I just want it bad.”

Spector was also asked if there are Disney characters besides Mickey he’d like to bring to the games medium…

“Oh, heck yeah. (Laughter)… Oh yeah… Don’t draw any conclusions. A day does not go by where I don’t tell somebody at Disney: ‘Gimme the ducks. Gimme the ducks! Uncle Scrooge, come on! Donald! Huey, Dewey, and Louie! Come on, let me do a duck game!’ So yeah, I would love to do a duck game. Uncle Scrooge is the coolest character, you know? He was Indiana Jones before Steven Spielberg was a gleam in his mother’s eye, you know? I mean, come on. He’s a great character.”

I feel like it’s only a matter of time before Warren Spector makes a 3DS title. He comes off sounding extremely excited each time he talks about the system. Who knows… Maybe he’ll bring Duck Tales to the handheld.


This information comes from the Australian/New Zealand edition of the Official Nintendo Magazine…

“I’ve been most impressed with the Nintendo 3DS. The Resident Evil demo was very impressive. The real time graphics in that are very impressive and I’ve already seen things that I can learn from that.” – Masahiro Sakurai

At E3, it didn’t seem like Revelations was blowing players away. But for some reason, people have really sounded like they’ve enjoyed it since then. I’m certainly looking forward to it, and I was surprised to learn that the official trailer Capcom released was running in real time.


“One thing I can talk about is that Pit uses a lot of weapons and this is a very important aspect of the game. There’s a wide variety of very different types of weapons. Each one is very unique and presents a wide range of gameplay possibilities and a multitude of ways to approach different enemies with different weapons. All of this weapon variation makes you feel like you’re playing the game with a brand new character because the feel is so varied when you use different weapons.” – Masahiro Sakurai

In the first Kid Icarus game, there were a few different weapons, but as a general rule the game stayed pretty similar throughout. Uprising is looking like it’s going to have a lot of different gameplay types, and if you match that with a lot of different weapons, it’s sure to be a very diverse experience!

Via Dtoid

This information comes from Masahiro Sakurai…

“Yes this is indeed my first 3D game but I have a feeling that it’s going to be hard to go back [to 2D]. For example when you watch Avatar in 3D you take notice of the 3D element initially but then as the movie goes on you forget about the 3D novelty as your eyes get used to it and simply enjoy it for what it is. That’s the nature of the way we get used to things as they become familiar. The problem is that when you go back to 2D after 3D it feels flat. So in terms of game development I would think that going back to 2D after working on a 3D project may be very difficult for me.”

In a few years, it wouldn’t surprise me if 3D is dominating the industry. I expect that all of Nintendo’s future handhelds will have 3D support, and eventually, so will the company’s home consoles. Because of that, I don’t think developers will have to worry about returning to 2D.


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