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“What excites me even more [than 3DS games] is that there’s technology built in that device to really combat piracy. The problem with the DS market in the last few years, particularly with the DS Lite, is that it’s just been attacked by piracy. It’s made it almost impossible to shift any significant volume. The DSi combated it a little bit, but the 3DS has taken that a step further. I actually asked Nintendo to explain the technology and they said it’s very difficult to do so because it’s so sophisticated. They combated the piracy on Dsi, which they don’t believe is cracked yet – but they know they’ve been hurt across the world and they believe the 3DS has got technology that can stop that. Therefore the opportunity for people to invest more in product development [on the system] and bring more 3DS products to market comes out of that. It’s going to probably cost us more to do it all in 3D – so we want to make sure we get a return on our investment when we do it.” – THQ’s executive VP of global publishing Ian Curran

I think it’s pretty clear that piracy has been a huge problem on the DS. Nintendo certainly has their work cut out for them with the 3DS, but it sounds like they have something interesting up their sleeves.


“I think the third-party publishers are taking this a lot more seriously. Certainly, the video game market has changed a lot over the last year. You know, a lot of the casual games that really bombarded the DS marketplace have now moved onto other platforms like the iPhone, so I think everyone looks at this as an opportunity to kind of bring something special back to the gamers. Everyone looked at the 3DS with just how powerful it was, and the new features, the analog stick and the 3D, as an opportunity to bring almost console-level quality games to this handheld because they could. On the DS, you really couldn’t. And that’s something that we’ve learned over the last six months. You can’t treat this machine as just a DS plus. You almost have to treat it like a console, because many of the things it can do are things that consoles can do. So, you know, why not bring a more ‘gamer’ experience to that platform, if it can do really well with it?” – JC Connors, studio head at Griptonite Games

The 3DS is a very interesting device. It’s the first piece of hardware to truly introduce portable 3D gaming, and it’s also one of the closest things we’ve seen to a handheld console due to the slide pad and enhanced graphics. Also, Iwata recently mentioned that development costs could approach Wii levels.


Yuji Naka, CEO of Prope responding to the fact that he created Sonic…

“Not right now. Right now, I want to create new things. Even if I had the opportunity to create some kind of new Sonic game I think that’s best kept within Sega.”

Naka on whether we’ll see another game like Let’s Tap…

“Personally, I would love to work on something like that, but the sales weren’t high so I don’t know if I can justify making another one. One of the things in Let’s Tap is it’s not digital, you don’t push a button and have the game react to it. I’m really happy with the technology we created. It senses soft touches, reads that, and puts that it into the game.

Metal Gear Solid 3 vs. Metal Gear Solid 3DS

We’ve pretty much heard this news already, but just in case you want to read a few more direct quotes from Hideo Kojima regarding Metal Gear Solid 3DS, you can check out what he had to say below.

“It was a top-secret project — I had a non-disclosure agreement signed with Nintendo, so I couldn’t even tell you [Hamamura] about it. The demo was produced by the Peace Walker team, but outside of the group that developed it, nobody at Kojima Productions even knew about it. I got that group together and said ‘Okay, we have to build this thing for E3’ — they work on a different floor from the rest of the studio, so most people thought they were on vacation after shipping off Peace Walker, I suppose.”

“The thing is that it’s hard to get a lot of feedback from players, because only so many of them could physically play the title at the event. I was hoping to shape our future direction for the game based on more of their opinions. Also, the maps and character models were all remade with a higher polygon count than before. The models are about the same quality as what we made for the PlayStation 3, but you really can’t tell within the game. We could’ve made it look better if we had a little more time.”

“I did handle direction work on the E3 demo, but where I go from here hasn’t been decided yet. For now, what we wanted to do was advertise the fact that we are producing a 3DS game in the MGS franchise. Largely it was just a demonstration of what we’re capable of with the 3DS. For a full-size game, just having things pop out at the player all the time will get old fast, so I think the emphasis will be on visual depth instead. We haven’t settled on the details yet, but I’d like to get CO-OPS and some of the other things we did in Peace Walker into this game as well. We can’t change MGS3’s story, but we are thinking about CO-OPS and other things we can use the 3D technology for.”

“Nothing’s been decided at all yet. I don’t think we’ll be able to make it a launch title, but if we don’t at least stick close to launch, we’ll lose a lot of product value. …I think we need to get it out by then (year within launch). That’s why I want to get more people to try it out. Showing a trailer really just isn’t enough — it’d be nice if Nintendo organizes some kind of public demo event.”

Kojima also discussed a secret project he’s working on, “taboo,” but since there are currently no indications that it will be for a Nintendo platform, we won’t be covering that unless some sort of announcement in the future proves otherwise!

Thanks to Robert for the tip!


Sakurai explaining that Project Sora was created to make a new Kid Icarus game…

“Before there was even an official naming of the 3DS, or before it was even decided that there would be 3-D capabilities, Mr. Iwata had brought up the topic of a new portable gaming system and with that, the request to create a new title for that system…. The topic of Kid Icarus came up. There wasn’t necessarily any direction decided for that — that it would be an RPG, or an action game, or a shooting game. But first of all, the topic did come up that Kid Icarus would be revived, and that Kid Icarus would be well-matched with a game idea that was particular to my style. With that, we moved forward.”

Sakurai on a remark that it’s been awhile since we’ve seen Kid Icarus and that there are no real expectations about what this new game will play like…

“That’s not necessarily the case. Having said that, there are things that you want to maintain from the original, but also a lot of things that I want to change. With that freedom, I did want to change the genre of the game. In thinking about the game, what is the core of the game, I feel that Kid Icarus is slightly comical.

At the time, games like Zelda or Metroid coming out on the Disk System were trending towards very serious adventure types of game. Kid Icarus doesn’t take the player entirely seriously. So I wanted to take advantage of that element and make a story and a flow of gameplay based around a character who is very serious about moving forward in the game but is also very carefree.”

New 3DS game announced

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 3 Comments

– Vektor Tank 3D+
– Redesigned for 3DS
– War action game
– “Enjoyable without the need for graphic violence”
– War takes place in a virtual environment rather than on the battlefield in the future
– Humans aren’t hurt, buildings not really destroyed
– Vektor Tank is your weapon
– 3DS acts as a virtual camcorder
– Movements are detected, mapped onto the camera in the game with cameras and motion sensors
– Aim for enemies and targets
– Retro-inspired retro look
– Q2 2011 release

Also, PR below:

Vienna, Austria – Wednesday, July 7th 2010

New Platform

Bplus shifts its main development focus away from WiiWare™ and on to a new platform – the Nintendo 3DS™. The new handheld offers fantastic opportunities to create fresh ideas with new ways of presentation, leading to games that offer completely new experiences. With Nintendo 3DS the virtual worlds come even closer to the player.

Bernd Geiblinger, CEO and Art Director of Bplus, comments: “WiiWare was just the beginning – it was a fantastic way to get a foothold in the industry and it offered lots of opportunities to learn things and gather experience. Now, with new partners and a strong financial background, we gear up and fully set our focus on development of Nintendo 3DS retail games.”

Hideki Konno, manager of Software Development Group 1, Nintendo EAD discussing the origins of the 3DS…

“When I was developing Luigi’s Mansion, we experimented with having an additional display, a panel, to attach to the screen in order to enable 3D effects. At that time, because of the high cost of the 3D panels and the low resolution of the game, it wouldn’t show 3D sufficiently, but we hoped that some day the technology would support 3D.”

Konno on the possibility of advertising in cinemas…

“Our key point with 3DS is that you don’t need glasses, which you obviously need to use in cinemas. So we think regular marketing and promotional activities will be very tricky for us. I think that a lot of awareness about 3DS will be spread by word of mouth.”

Konno on whether players will experience any side effects with long sessions….

“I think the sense of eye fatigue differs for each individual. We’ve provided flexibility to allow users to adjust back to 2D. I think the solution is simply that when you feel dizzy, close down the system and take a break. Like with the Wii – don’t swing too much or you’ll tire your arms.”

Konno on moving forward with online, without hassling consumers…

“I wanted the system to be as convenient as it can be in the online field. I wanted to realise a situation where you wake up in the morning, open your 3DS and there’s new content already downloaded and waiting for you, not because you went looking for it but because we pushed it to you. Maybe one day consumers will open their 3DS and find that their daily paper or magazine subscription has already been delivered to their device.”


“Videogame makers know that in order for portable game machines to take the next step forward, they need wireless communication. We are discussing this with various players.” – NTT DoCoMo President Ryuji Yamada

Yamada wouldn’t specifically identify who NTT DoCoMo has been in contact with, but one would think that the company is talking to Nintendo and Sony. What he did say is that a component could be included in hardware which would access NTT DoCoMo’s 3G network or connect to their routers that use a 3G connection to create a local Wi-Fi network. We know that Nintendo is looking to enhance wireless/online functionality with the 3DS, so might their next handheld support 3G?


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