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This is an extremely insightful interview that covers pretty much everything you could possibly wonder about Zelda games. We already posted a snippet of the interview in our last post, but you can check out the entire discussion below.

Aonuma on the technical difficulties of Skyward Sword’s on-stage presentation…

“Well, really all it was was an accident in the presentation. I think Mr. Miyamoto did a great job following up with that. That being said, the best way to understand how the play controls are really implemented is to get hands-on time with it, and we hope that you’re able to do that and that you’ll follow up with an article explaining about how good the controls actually are.”

Okamiden screenshots

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Screenshots | 0 comments

Kid Icarus: Uprising art

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 7 Comments

On the DS, h.a.n.d. has created the Kingdom Hearts game. For Nintendo’s next handheld, though, it seems that there will be a developer switch.

“Right now we can’t say much about it. All I can say is that the Kingdom Hearts for 3DS will not be a port, but a new game. It will probably be developed by the team who was in charge of Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, the Osaka team.” – Tetsuya Nomura, Director of the Kingdom Hearts franchise


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