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First there was the Pikachu 3DS XL. Now there’s a Charizard 3DS XL!

The special handheld pictured above will be distributed only to those who are lucky enough to be picked through a lottery, which will be held between November 3 and November 26. If chosen, consumers will be able to purchase the system for 18,900 yen between December 15 and January 14.

Source, Via

Nintendo won’t say how much stock will be prepared for the UK launch of Wii U. That being said, the company did tell CVG that “stock levels will be tight on day one.’

The company said in a statement:

“Wii U stock levels will be tight on day one. However we will be providing retailers with regular stock deliveries in the run up to Christmas in order to meet demand as quickly as possible.”

Earlier today, CVG reported that Wii U stock could be as low as 25,000 units. A separate source, however, indicated that the figure could be between 75,000 and 100,000 consoles.


Lots of ZombiU footage

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

Next week’s Fire Emblem: Awakening DLC release in Japan is titled “Another Story: Summer of Bonds”. It’s due out on November 1.

The two star, 200 yen download is set in a resort. Anna, a merchant, invites Krom and his crew to a beach retreat in hopes of repaying them for their courageous efforts in saving different worlds. The fun gets cut short when plunderers appear.

In the DLC, parent characters will converse with each other and My Unit is able to initiate special scenes with Krom, Gaia, Sariya and Tiamo – all of whom are wearing swimsuits.

Source 1, Source 2

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