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Wii U eShop

Art Academy: SketchPad is now available for purchase in both North America and Europe. For $3.99 / €3.99, the app can be yours. You’ll need 271MB of free space in order to download the new Art Academy.


Ghost Song: A Journey of Hope, a new 2D “Metroidvania” title, has a shot of landing on Wii U. The campaign now has a Wii U stretch goal set at $60,000. If the target is met, the game will be guarenteed for Nintendo’s console.

You can get an idea as to what Ghost Song offers in the video above. You can also find more details on the Kickstarter page here.


Pokemon Rumble U will soon be making its debut in North America in Europe. The good news is, we’re hearing that the figures made specifically for the game won’t be region locked. Items purchased in any country will work in any version of Pokemon Rumble U.


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