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Wii U

Nintendo is planning extended maintenance for the Wii U and 3DS this coming Monday. Online play, rankings, and other related Internet elements will be affected.

An announcement on Miiverse also confirms that the service will be affected by maintenance on Monday. Features such as friend requests, block list and messages will be unavailable.

The maintenance will begin at 8 AM PT. It’s expected to end a few hours later – specifically 5 PM PT.

Nintendo has been working on the next firmware update for the 3DS. According to the generally-reliable Emily Rogers, the download was originally scheduled for October. The update, however, has apparently been pushed back to an unspecified timeframe.

The Wii U is also expected to be receiving a major update – first announced several months ago during a Nintendo Direct. Rogers teased on Twitter that the new firmware will arrive “sooner than you think.”

The tweet in full, which also contains an interesting tidbit regarding Ubisoft, reads:

Asked to elaborate on the Ubisoft note, Rogers tweeted:



Two more goodies are confirmed for Sonic Lost World pre-orders in the UK and Mexico.

Those who pre-order the game from ShopTo (UK) or Gameplanet (Mexico) will receive a pair of DLC codes. The first is a golden RC Omochao gadget while the other is a 5-pack of Black Bomb Wisp Color power which can be used to bomb away enemies. Pre-ordered copies of Sonic Lost World also come with the previously-revealed Deadly Six Edition content.

No word yet on whether the two new DLC items will be made available in the US.


Watch_Dogs made its impressive debut at Ubisoft’s E3 conference last year. Subsequent footage hasn’t been as well-received, particularly one video featuring Aisha Tyler.

Creative director Jonathan Morin claims that Watch_Dogs’ visuals haven’t deteriorated. “It’s pretty much the opposite,” he told VideoGamer.

Morin explained:

“There’s no scale down in quality, especially the next-gen versions. It’s pretty much the opposite. What we showed at E3 2012 in a lot of respects was less good. I think it’s in the details. So no, there’s no scale down.”

And what of the disappointing Aisha Tyler video? Morin put the blame on internal “communications issues”.


The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Limited Edition can be purchased once more on GameStop. When the product originally went up, its availability didn’t last long. I imagine it’ll be similar this time around as well.

You can order the Zelda: Wind Waker HD Limited Edition here. Along with the game, a special Ganondorf figure is included.

Releasing Yakuza 1 & 2 HD on Wii U “was an experiment”, according to series creator and Yakuza Studio head Toshihiro Nagoshi.

Nagoshi told EDGE that he was “interested in the Wii U format and curious about how many Wii U users would be interested in the Yakuza series”. This information could only be obtained by “releasing something.”

Nagoshi probably didn’t attain the results he was probably looking for. The game’s sales “weren’t great,” he said.

“The PlayStation format has a lot of users, so we knew that our audience is there. With the HD versions, we had already made the game once for PS2 and then in HD, so it was quite easy to port it to Wii U, whereas [porting] a whole new title is a bit tricky. I was interested in the Wii U format and curious about how many Wii U users would be interested in the Yakuza series, and the only way to find that out was to try releasing something. It was an experiment. But the sales weren’t great.”


Perhaps due to the game’s lack of multiplayer, Batman: Arkham Origins will be priced at $50 when it launches on Wii U next month. Other versions cost $60 and include online play.

Some retailers (well, notably GameStop) have the game listed for $60. However, Warner Bros. confirmed that the official MSRP on Wii U is indeed $50.

Amazon probably has the best deal for Origins at this point. You’ll receive a $10 credit along with Deathstroke DLC.


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