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Wii U

call of duty ghosts

The single player trailer for Call of Duty: Ghosts that was revealed yesterday showcased a bit of the story that we didn’t know about previously: Something called ‘Rods of God’ would be used as the stage for the apocalyptic events in the game. ‘Rods of God’ are effectively just giant cylinders dropped from low-earth-orbit that smack into the ground and cause mass devastation– and Activision community manager Dan Amrich says it’s not terribly fictional:

“Telephone poles from space? It’s actually more science than science fiction. The concept of kinetic bombardment – nicknamed in the science and defense communities as “Rods from God” – has been used in sci-fi stories for years by authors including Robert Heinlein, Larry Niven, and Neal Stephenson, but it’s also been seriously considered by the United States Air Force as a military strike that could create mass devastation without nuclear fallout.”

“Say what you will about its over-the-top gameplay and action-movie attitude, but Call of Duty still plays in the realm of plausibility.”

– Activision community manager Dan Amrich

You can read more from him here.

Via Gamespot

Ubisoft has released a new patch for the Wii U version of Splinter Cell: Blacklist. The game’s single-player and co-op features have been touched up, as well as other elements.

You can find the full patch notes below.


Fix timer and progress bar for Daily Challenges
Fix misc. issues with Gone Dark challenges
Fix misc. issues with guards shooting sticky camera and not engaging search behavior

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag is using a new multiplayer engine. Game design head Tim Browne confirmed the news to Examiner, and noted that the technology was adapted to work on all consoles. This will be the first multiplayer engine change since Brotherhood.

Browne said:

“We’ve had the same engine since Brotherhood, and for this year we integrated a new engine that works on current gen and next-gen consoles. Then we did upscaled, specific development for next-gen, so the character models are four times higher textures and polygons than the normal ones. There are very specific next-gen features which we’re catering for as well, which you won’t have on current gen. Not just graphical improvements, but certain other things.”


This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. There are two main highlights for Nintendo fans this week: $10 off Splinter Cell: Blacklist and Crash City Mayhem for $10.

You can find all of this week’s offers in the ad below.



Note: the Monster Hunter 4 scans show another collaboration. Capcom will be featuring the manga series Baki the Grappler in the game.

Ever since the reveal of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, it’s been known that the remake came about while Nintendo was experimenting with different art styles for the series’ next original entry on Wii U. As it turns out, Wind Waker wasn’t the only title the company tinkered around with. Eiji Aonuma confirmed to Polygon that Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword were also tested in HD.

So what does this mean for the possibility of these two games also receiving Wii U remakes? Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma isn’t ruling anything out, but having just wrapped up Wind Waker HD and now fully turning his attention to Zelda Wii U, there likely won’t be any additional HD releases in the near future. Aonuma wouldn’t necessarily rule anything out for the future though, telling Polygon:

“I can’t say that the possibility is zero that those will be made into HD, but right now I need to work on the next installation in the series so I don’t have the bandwidth to do that right now. But maybe it will happen if someone else does it.”

Here’s a question: would you like to see Twilight Princess and/or Skyward Sword in HD? If you had to choose one or the other, which would you pick?


The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DS LL – 60,077
3DS – 19,114
PS3 – 13,790
Vita – 7,314
Wii U – 5,702
PSP – 5,493
Wii – 978
Xbox 360 – 201

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

3DS LL – 49,149
PS3 – 20,090
3DS – 17,873
Vita – 8,405
Wii U – 6,741
PSP – 6,218
Wii – 1,141
Xbox 360 – 177

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