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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes appears to be launching on October.

We’ve been digging around various retailer listings for release date information, and came across a few that have something in common. Amazon, GameFly, and GameStop all say that LEGO Marvel Super Heroes will be out on October 22.

Warner Bros. previously confirmed a vague fall 2013 window for the title.

In other news, those who pre-order LEGO Marvel Super Heroes from Amazon, will receive a $10 credit. The offer is valid for almost all versions – with the DS game being the one exception.

Famitsu has published various listings for the 2013 first half sales in Japan. Here’s how things panned out:

Software sales by company

1. Nintendo – 5.19 million
2. Namco Bandai – 3.48 million
3. Square Enix – 2.06 million
4. Konami – 1.20 million
5. Capcom – 1.12 million


1. Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 1.37 million
2. Dragon Quest VII – 1.21 million
3. Tomodachi Collection – 1.20 million

Wii U

1. New Super Mario Bros. U – 140,000
2. Nintendo Land – 110,000
3. Dragon Quest X – 70,000


1. Taiko Drum Master – 190,000
2. Mario Party 9 – 50,000
3. Wii Sports Resort – 40,000


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance – 440,000
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 – 390,000
Dynasty Warriors 7 – 320,000

PS Vita

1. Soul Sacrifice – 180,000
2. Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus – 130,000
3. Toukiden – 120,000


1. Sword Art Online Infinity Moment – 190,000
2. Pro Baseball Spirits 2013 – 150,000
3. Summon Night 5 – 120,000

A demo for Yakuza 1 & 2 HD is out now on the Japanese Wii U eShop. Players can experience the early portions of the two remastered games. Additionally, SEGA has included functionality that allows users to experience some of the GamePad features.


If you’re interested in 007 Legends, now would be the time to pick it up. Amazon has the game for 4.99 for the next hour as a lightning deal. Once time runs out (or product runs out), the deal will be dead.

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Killer is Dead (PS3/360) – 9/9/9/8
Metro: Last Light (PS3/360) – 9/9/9/8
Disney Magic Castle Happy Life (3DS) – 9/8/8/9
LEGO City: Undercover (Wii U) – 9/8/8/8
Mind 0 (PSV) – 8/7/7/78
DokiDoki! PreCure Narikiri Life! (3DS) – 7/8/7/8
Shiratsuyu no Kai (PSP) – 8/8/7/7
Oshare na Koinu 3D (3DS) – 7/7/6/7
Sangoku Hime 2: Kouhata Houkou – Kakuseimeshi Taiga (PS3) – 7/6/6/5

Both of Nintendo’s latest systems are region-locked. The Wii U and 3DS are not capable of playing games outside of the country that the original hardware was purchased in. Want to play a Japanese-exclusive game on your US 3DS? Sorry, but you’re out of luck.

Nintendo’s region-locking policy has been in the news as of late, culminating with official comments from CEO Satoru Iwata. Iwata most-recently hinted that the company’s restriction isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

Now, how do developers feel about the situation? NotEnoughShaders caught up with thirteen different teams – including Renegade Kid, Shin’en, and Broken Rules – to find out what they think. You can find a few excerpts below, and even more right here.

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