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Wii U

Watch_Dogs has been a long time coming from Ubisoft. In a recent interview, senior producer Dominic Guay confirmed that the project has been in the works since 2009.

Guay shared the development tidbit when asked about connections to the TV series “Person of Interest”.

He said:

“Actually we were many years into development when we heard of that show [Person of Interest] for the first time. Making a new IP like WATCH_DOGS is a long process and we started to craft our vision in early 2009.”

Because Ubisoft has been making Watch_Dogs since 2009, it has been in development for around four years.


Mario Kart 8 is slated for spring of 2014. When exactly the game will be hitting Wii U is unclear, as Nintendo has yet to share a specific date. However, in a recent newsletter from Nintendo of Europe, it’s mentioned that Mario Kart 8 is coming in April of next year.

You may remember that Mario Kart Wii launched in April way back in 2008. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that Mario Kart 8 will arrive during the same month.

As always, take this rumor with a grain of salt until Nintendo makes an official announcement.


Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma answered a few fan questions on the series’ official Facebook page a few weeks ago.

Aonuma commented on what he’s most excited about with Wind Waker HD, who his favorite character is in the game, and which feature he’s most looking forward to in A Link Between Worlds.

Something I wasn’t actually aware of: Aonuma wrote all of the text for the King of Hyrule.

Man… Reggie sure has been saying “my body is ready” a lot. It feels like E3 2007 all over again!

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata tackled a question during the company’s investor’s meeting earlier this week about its approach to networking. He gives some interesting insight, and confirms what most had expected: the next Smash Bros. will offer online play.

A summary of Iwata’s response can be found below.

“Many ways to use networking, including online play, which requires being on at the same time. Miiverse shares exp. With further development, you’ll be able to send your play data to Miiverse for others to download and play against at a different time. This sort of feature will vary depending on network usage. NSMBU dev. efforts spent on tuning local multiplayer, Miiverse for strategy. Mario Kart and Smash Bros. will have online play to meet customers’ demands. Miiverse to enjoy games together at different times to feel moved by others’ play experiences, and to move others with your own experiences. Networking to be used to best match the game.


Third-party Wii U support was a topic discussed by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata during the company’s latest investor’s meeting. There isn’t anything too new, but Iwata’s response is posted below.

“There are few 3rd-party titles announced for Wii U, as was said. More support soon would be good, 2 things to do. First: release 1st-party titles one after another starting next month will revitalize the Wii U. Second: make hits out of 3rd-party titles.”


During Nintendo’s latest investor’s meeting, president Satoru Iwata fielded a question regarding the lack of new innovation with new consoles. The Q&A is only available in Japanese currently, but a summary of Iwata’s response has been translated.

Most of what Iwata said actually pertained to new titles for Wii U. Iwata said that additional, unannounced titles for the console are planned by 2014.

Why weren’t these games mentioned during Nintendo’s E3 2013 Nintendo Direct? First, the company felt that there was more information than could be shared during E3. And generally speaking, Nintendo likes keeping a minimal gap between announcements and the release of new games to keep consumers excited and prevent competitors from copying ideas.

“New consoles have always produced better graphics, but the work required may not be related to customer satisfaction. There are more unannounced Wii U titles coming by 2014. There was more info than could be released at E3. Wanted to ease owners’ fears. Don’t want to leave a long gap between announcement/release of new game types that would lessen the impact or allow competitors to copy.”

The second portion of Iwata’s answer focused more on the topic of surprising players:

“Nintendo has the job of both introducing video games to people who’ve never played before as well as satisfying existing fans. Looking for ways to surprise customers in other ways than just creating pretty graphics.”

Miyamoto then took over for Iwata to discuss Pikmin 3:

“We made Pikmin 3 with all of our effort. Beginners and fans alike can play. Game industry change comparable to manga to anime. Nintendo’s accused of having the same series again at E3, but that’s because they’re character-centered, which is a strength. You don’t have to start by creating new characters in order to present new ways to play or new ways to use media.”


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