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Wii U

Nintendo’s North American Game & Wario site is now open. You can find it here. The site includes gameplay information, screenshots, and more.

LEGO Batman makes its Wii U debut just under a year after releasing on PS3 and Xbox 360. Is the added functionality worthwhile?

Author: Laura

Alright, so I know what you guys are thinking, “Why on earth would Warner Bros. Interactive and Traveller’s Tales release a year-old game on the Wii U when I can just buy it for less money on a different console?” Well I’m here to tell you that LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes on Wii U stands strong on its own with the integration of Wii U Gamepad controls. Not only is it a sequel, it’s a unique game on its own, allowing players to enjoy exploring the Batman Universe for a second time.

Two new characters have been confirmed for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. During the MCM Comic Con in the UK, TT Games announced that Venom and the Human Torch will be playable.

Over 100 unlockable characters will be featured in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Thor are just a few that had been previously announced for the roster.

Source 1, Source 2, Via

01./00. [PSP] Summon Night 5 (Bandai Namco Games) {2013.05.16} (¥5.980) – 105.511 / NEW
02./01. [3DS] Friend Collection: New Life # (Nintendo) {2013.04.18} (¥4.800) – 63.055 / 925.108 (-39%)
03./02. [3DS] Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon (Nintendo) {2013.03.20} (¥4.800) – 20.304 / 712.225 (-35%)
04./03. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf # (Nintendo) {2012.11.08} (¥4.800) – 16.492 / 3.217.351 (-35%)
05./00. [PS3] MuvLuv Alternative: Total Eclipse # (5pb.) {2013.05.16} (¥7.140) – 12.373 / NEW
06./04. [PS3] Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen (Capcom) {2013.04.25} (¥4.990) – 8.759 / 178.755 (-34%)
07./05. [3DS] Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission (Bandai Namco Games) {2013.02.28} (¥5.800) – 4.539 / 189.056 (-38%)
08./14. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Super Deluxe Edition # (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.11.29} (¥5.040) – 4.351 / 477.739 (+10%)
09./08. [3DS] New Super Mario Bros. 2 #
(Nintendo) {2012.07.28} (¥4.800) – 3.851 / 2.028.663 (-29%)
10./11. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo) {2011.12.01} (¥4.800) – 3.354 / 2.051.201 (-28%)
11./06. [PS3] Tomb Raider (Square Enix) {2013.04.25} (¥7.980) – 3.276 / 57.397 (-45%)
12./10. [3DS] Tousouchuu: Shijou Saikyou no Hunter-Tachi Kara Nigekire! (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.07.05} (¥5.040) – 3.033 / 486.038 (-38%)
13./12. [PSV] PhotoKano Kiss (Kadokawa Games) {2013.04.25} (¥7.140) – 2.807 / 46.167 (-38%)
14./16. [PSP] Pro Baseball Spirits 2013 (Konami) {2013.03.20} (¥3.980) – 2.577 / 146.135 (-31%)
15./15. [3DS] Taiko no Tatsujin: Chibi Dragon to Fushigi na Orb (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.07.12} (¥5.040) – 2.567 / 485.981 (-33%)
16./17. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Best Price!)
(Capcom) {2012.11.15} (¥3.800) – 2.534 / 307.473 (-28%)
17./09. [PS3] Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm 3 (Bandai Namco Games) {2013.04.18} (¥7.480) – 2.532 / 125.507 (-53%)
18./13. [PSP] 7th Dragon 2020-II (Sega) {2013.04.18} (¥6.279) – 2.324 / 104.473 (-46%)
19./21. [WIU] New Super Mario Bros. U (Nintendo) {2012.12.08} (¥5.985) – 2.237 / 512.244
20./25. [NDS] Pokemon Black 2 / White 2 (Pokemon Co.) {2012.06.23} (¥4.800) – 2.168 / 3.005.619

All three consoles are now out out in the wild. With this week’s announcement of the Xbox One, we can finally see how all next-gen systems stack up against each other.

IGN compiled a handy chart comparing the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Wii U. Technical points are included, but the chart also covers categories such as game installs, used game fees, motion control inputs, and more.


Despite initial concerns, it looks like Batman: Arkham Origins’ Deathstroke pre-order DLC will be available on the Wii U after all.

Amazon’s product page mentions the bonus as well as the previous $10 credit offer. GameStop’s listing is missing the Deathstroke item, but the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 pages showcase an image that includes the Wii U version (see above).

We did contact Warner Bros. a few days back to receive some clarity about the situation, but never heard back. But now that we’re getting signs from retailers that the Wii U will have access to the Deathstroke pre-order DLC, there isn’t as much cause for concern.

It’s safe to say that the folks at Shin’en are technical geniuses. They’ve consistently managed to get the most out of Nintendo systems, even when difficult limits have been in place – like WiiWare’s 40MB cap.

While the Wii U has been lambasted for its low power compared to other next-gen systems, Shin’en feels that what Nintendo’s console offers is quite enough – especially compared to Wii. Shin’en Multimedia art director Martin Sauter told GameReactor in a new interview that instead of focusing on power, “we need better games.”

Sauter said:

Of course the Wii U is not the big leap hardware power-wise but it is a big leap to the Wii and to be honest I think we’ve reached a point where we don’t need so much more hardware power – we need better games. For every game you can make it look so good that it’s good enough for everybody and I think the Wii U is a good compromise between price point – because don’t forget you have a tablet controller, you have a great hardware base and it’s much better than everybody reads. It’s better than Xbox – sorry, it is better – and you can squeeze lots out of it, but you have to really work hard on it and I think you can make great games with it.

I’m not sure if a much more powerful PS4 will produce much better looking games. We’ve reached a point where good games will sell and I think the steps will be much much smaller in the next generation.

Source, Via

Chris Seavor, designer of the Conker games, may have something in store for Wii U. Seavor tweeted about the console today, noting how his new indie studio Gory Detail Limited will need more dev kits.

He teased:

Gory Detail is working on a brand new project: Parashoot Stan. Could we see this title on Wii U? Or perhaps something else for the console?

Source, Via

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