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Wii U

Nintendo’s Wii U page has been updated with a bunch of different specs for the console’s web browser.

It’s been reconfirmed that plugins such as Flash won’t be supported. You also won’t be able to save/upload images or video through the browser.

The full list of specs – browser engine, user agent, codecs, and more – can be found below.

Nintendo’s New Super Mario Bros. U ad is being shown across North America – particularly in theaters. Moviegoers will find the commercial is displayed prior to Wreck-It Ralph, which made its debut in the US today.

Be on the lookout for it, folks!


Ubisoft is teasing a “surprise announcement” on its Facebook page. The notice was attached with the image above, leading to speculation that a live-action commercial could be on the way.

Whatever is planned, we’ll be hearing about it “soon”.

Here’s the Facebook post in full:

“There’s nothing better than a trusty shotgun during a Zombie invasion. ..Well maybe a cricket bat! Get ready for a surprise announcement soon!”


In Rayman Legends, most players will spend 80% of their single-player gameplay on pure platforming levels. That’s according to lead game designer Emile Morel.

The other fifth? You’ll be using Murfy to get past touch screen levels.

It’s important to note that these levels are optional. So if you hate Murfy, you won’t have to experience his stages.

One other note: you’ll be able to upload scores to an online leaderboards for every single level in Rayman Legends.

Source, Via

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