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Wii U

The way in which we’re finding out about new Wii U games is becoming extremely odd. EA Sports is now saying that Madden will be available for the console sometime this year. Details on the football title as well as FIFA for Wii U will be shared later this summer.


MercurySteam has confirmed it has no plans to bring Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 to Wii U.

GameSpot asked producer David Cox was asked about the possibility. Cox responded by saying, “Unfortunately, we have no plans for Wii U right now.”

Nintendo fans will be able to get their Castlevania fix on the 3DS when Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate launches later this year.


ZombiU footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

1UP has gone live with a new interview with Shigeru Miyamoto. The legendary Nintendo designer commented on the future of the games industry, plans for Wii U/3DS connectivity, and more.

As usual, we’ve rounded up the questions and answers for you below.

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