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Wii U

Spanish website conducted an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto at the Louvre Museum. Miyamoto spoke about his retirement, expressed interest in returning to the Wii Music idea, and apparently said that Nintendo will be showing off a new Mario game for Wii U at E3 2012.

I say apparently because the article doesn’t contain a direct quote from Miyamoto about a Wii U Mario title. The writeup does state, however, that “Nintendo will present a new Super Mario for this platform, which will combine the TV screen with the controller.”

elmundo’s article mentions the following points:

– Nintendo is making new types of games as traditional types are now being released on iPhone/Android
– Miyamoto is readying his staff for his retirement; he’s taking young/bright developers under his direct command
– Miyamoto is working on a few small projects, but is very focused on Pikmin 3 and Luigi’s Mansion 2
– Nintendo will show a new Super Mario game for Wii U at E3; it will combine the TV screen with the new controller
– Miyamoto wants to do more with the Wii Music idea

If Nintendo is presenting a new Mario project at E3, it would be more likely for them to show off EAD Tokyo’s new game (Mario Galaxy, Mario 3D Land team) rather than New Super Mario Bros. Mii. We’re already getting a 2D sidescroller for the 3DS this year, so it’s unlikely that the Wii U will see a similar experience.

Source, Via

Nicalis founder Tyrone Rodriguez has offered high praise for the Wii U.

Speaking about the new system at iDÉAME 2012, Rodriguez told Blogocio that it’s “all too far the most powerful console in the history of Nintendo” (rough translation). He believes it will be competing on the market “for 5 or 10 years.”

Rodriguez was also questioned about the Wii U’s power. Although Nicalis hasn’t fully exploited the console (doing so is unnecessary for the company’s projects), Rodriguez stated that it should meet gamers’ expectations.

Ultimately, though, Rodriguez said the experience will matter the most. He thinks we’ll be comparing the quality of games rather than the visual prowess of consoles.

Some of this shouldn’t come as a surprise – who thought the Wii U wouldn’t be Nintendo’s most powerful console? It’s nonetheless encouraging to see encouraging comments from a studio like Nicalis.

Nicalis’ first Wii U title is 1001 Spikes. The game will be released on the 3DS eShop sometime this year. The Wii U version should arrive later – perhaps in time for the launch of Nintendo’s new console?


1001 Spikes details

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 0 comments

Nicalis was showing off the just-revealed 1001 Spikes at iDÉAME 2012. iDÉAME is a gathering of sorts for indie developers.

As previously mentioned, 1001 Spikes is remake of the Xbox Live Marketplace release, Aban Hawkins & the 1000 Spikes.

The first gameplay details have arrived and are as follows:

– Demo begins in a jungle close to a waterfall
– A: shoot
– B: jump
– Y: high jump
– Noticeable differences in the two jumps
– Other buttons aren’t used, nor is the touch screen
– Find a key that opens a door in each level
– Enemies, falling blocks, ravines, and other obstacles will get in your way
– Style comparable to Cave Story and La-Mulana

Note that the 3DS eShop version was tested. Gameplay will be similar if not identical to the Wii U digital download version.


Screenshots are of the 3DS version. I imagine the Wii U version won’t look much different.


Nicalis’ next Nintendo game is 1001 Spikes. The studio will be releasing it on the 3DS eShop as well as Wii U’s digital store.

1001 Spikes is a remake of the indie title Aban Hawkins & the 1000 Spikes made by 8bits Fanatics. It was released on the Xbox Live Marketplace last year.

The 3DS/Wii U edition will feature new art, visuals, music, sound, and a multiplayer mode. Four users will be able to play together locally.

1001 Spikes will be released this year. It’ll be available on the 3DS eShop first and on Wii U sometime after.

Thanks to Sergio F for the tip.


Collecting Smiles President & Founder Jens Andersson is very much intrigued by the idea of bringing Colors! 3D to Wii U. He was quick to confirm that “nothing has been decided here yet”, but the possibility remains.

Andersson has also offered praise for the 3DS eShop, noting how it’s “quickly becoming a great platforms for smaller developers”. We may see some of his prototypes come to the store as complete games sometime in the future.

Speaking about the chances of Colors! on Wii U, Andersson said:

“I hope so. I’d very much like to see Colors! on Wii U for example, but nothing has been decided here yet. Also, it seems like the eShop is quickly becoming a great platforms for smaller developers like me, so at some point I hope to develop some of the game prototypes I’ve been working on into full games and publish them there.”


Update from Valay: Already confirmed fake (thanks Damian). Apologies to anyone out there who thought this could turn out to be true. These things are just too easy to photoshop and whatnot. I’ll be sure to smack Austin later (or something like that) so that you won’t see similar types of speculation on here in the future.

Oh please lord Jabu Jabu do not let this be true. According to Nintendo of Japan’s website, there is something in existence that is called the “Wii Entertainment System”, and that something is scheduled to have information released about it on the 26th of April, 2012. Now, my gut isn’t sure whether this is a misunderstanding or if it could be a hint, but if it is, it would fall in line with earlier rumors that Nintendo was looking to rename the Wii U to avoid confusion from consumers.

That being said, this is the complete wrong way to go with it. This is going to cause more confusion if anything, because it sounds like it could easily be a synonym for ‘The Wii’. Oh Nintendo, how do you expect to sell consoles if people think it’s simply a slightly newer version of a device released in 2006!?

Via MyNintendoNews

Gaijin Games co-founder Alex Neuse has fired off another round of comments which hint at a Wii U version of Bit.Trip Presents: Runner 2.

Last month, the game was pushed back to November. As far as whether or not Gaijin will be looking to make a Wii U version of Runner 2, Neuse said:

“(Smiles) I wonder. I wonder if that means that. Let me put it this way: we have a Wii U dev kit, and our game is coming out around the time that system launches, so that would be pretty cool.”

Neuse followed up with comments on how the Wii U controller excites him:

“I have to think of it in terms of Runner2 now — thinking about it broadly would be too much — but if we were to do a Wii U version, what if you could have a pick-up in the game that reveals hidden bonuses and stuff that you can’t see on your screen but have to hold the controller up? You’re still playing but it’s sort of like an X-ray vision.

“Yeah [sort of like a CommanderVideo detective mode], exactly! (laughs) You get a Silent Scope kind of feel. But anyway, if we do a Wii U version I don’t know what we would do with the controller. I would want to do something unique, but honestly we haven’t figured that part out.”

Gaijin Games even posted the following on Twitter today:

“What Wii U features would you like to see on the OFF CHANCE that we bring Runner2 to the platform?”

Runner (and the Bit.Trip series in general) made its debut on Wii. Wouldn’t it be nice to see Runner 2 on the console’s successor?

Source 1, Source 2

Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto has once again expressed interest in returning to A Link to the Past.

You may remember that, last year, Miyamoto discussed the possibility of bringing back the game in 3D. This time around he’s said that he would “be even more interested in creating something new maybe based on, or starting from, A Link To The Past.”

Miyamoto told EDGE:

“I think the answer would be the same if we’re talking about just porting, but I think I’d be even more interested in creating something new maybe based on, or starting from, A Link To The Past. I think it’s important to bring some really new software.”

Miyamoto was the producer when A Link to the Past was created back in 1991 and left a huge imprint on the title. That probably wouldn’t be the case again if Nintendo returned to the game. As such, Miyamoto would have to find the best director suited for the job:

“To be very honest and open, it really depends on the directors that have time at the moment as well. Some directors, I can give them the title and I know they will do something great with it.

“Other directors I’m not so 100 per cent confident [in], so they’re the ones I’d rather take a more remake approach to the title. It really depends on that as well.”

Miyamoto mentioned one director who he has great respect for: Koichi Kawamoto. Kawamoto has played a big role in the WarioWare series, made StreetPass Quest for the 3DS, and worked on The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

Regarding Kawamoto, Miyamoto said that he’s “a very strong figure [who] will play a very important role in the future.”

Last but not least, Miyamoto commented on the possibility of a new F-Zero game:

“I think at the time it was a really big surprise, a new thing, a product that made sense. I don’t see with current hardware how you could create a similar surprise.

“But maybe with future hardware, with Wii U coming up, maybe we could create something that does make sense, either as a smaller game, or a fully fledged title.”


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