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Wii U

One day, we’ll see Sonic on Wii U. It’s inevitable. The franchise did experience a fair amount of success on the Wii, and Sonic started to return to form with Sonic Colors.

Team Sonic boss Takashi Iizuka told Eurogamer that the series “is the right fit because it is that kind of family experience game.” However, SEGA is still thinking about how to “apply using the controller to Sonic”.

Iizuka said:

“The Wii was an extremely successful platform. It was totally global. It went into the families that maybe would not have picked up a home console before. It created that living room experience with families, and it had great success. Now, adding the controller, and in a sense upgrading the Wii, it has got potential to further that and increase its customer base. I feel Sonic is the right fit because it is that kind of family experience game. I do feel Wii U is applicable to Sonic. But how we will apply using the controller to Sonic is something we’re still thinking about at the moment.”


Some of the earliest Wii U rumors claimed that Grand Theft Auto V was in development for Wii U. Rockstar hasn’t confirmed platforms for the game yet, so the speculation could turn out to be true.

The new expectation from analyst group Sterne Agee is a March 2013 launch for GTA V, making a Wii U version possible and provides Rockstar with additional development time.

Sterne Agee originally predicted a release just before Christmas.


Remember the rumor about Sonic Dimensions that popped up last year? It suggested that SEGA was making the game for Wii U, and it would be a spiritual successor to Sonic Colors.

Well, for now, we’ll have to throw that rumor out the window. When asked about Sonic Dimensions, SEGA’s Takashi Iizuka said, “Sonic Dimensions? [Laughs] I think it’s a complete hoax. [Laughs]”.

The issue here is that SEGA isn’t in a position to announce/confirm any new Wii U games. Still, this does impact the chances of Sonic Dimensions being real…

This is technically the launch trailer for Ninja Gaiden III on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but the game won’t be available on Wii U until later this year.

Even though Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune hasn’t tested out Wii U yet, he does have a few thoughts about the system.

When asked about the upcoming console, he said “whenever Nintendo comes out with something new, it’s always good.” Inafune hinted at being interested in supporting Wii U because he enjoys making something for new hardware.

Inafune said:

“I can’t comment too much about it because I haven’t touched it yet, but whenever Nintendo comes out with something new, it’s always good. So I’m confident it must be impressive. If I get a chance, I always want to try out creating for a new platform. So I’m looking forward to that chance. The same thing could go for the Wii U because it’s part of the challenge in evolution, and it’s a challenge in motion control. It’s in that testing stage, so I’m really interested.”

Be sure to head on over to GameSpot for further talk from Inafune. He discusses the state of Japanese gaming, being open to collaborating with Capcom on Mega Man, and more.

Epic Games VP Mark Rein has apparently seen both Batman: Arkham City and Aliens: Colonial Marines running on the Wii U.

Sadly we don’t have any concrete details to share about these two titles. But at GDC last week, Epic Games VP Mark Rein did tease how Arkham City makes “fantastic use of the touch controller. Rein also said that the Wii U version will not be a straight port.

Batman: Arkham City will presumably launch alongside the Wii U later this year.


Epic Games VP Mark Rein has fired off a slew of comments about Wii U.

Rein first commented on his overall thoughts about the system. He said that he likes Wii U, noting that “E3 will be a big-eye opener for people.” Rein even hinted how it’s possible to accomplish more with the console than what was shown with the “gorgeous” Zelda HD experience.

He said:

“I like the Wii U. I think E3 will be a big eye-opener for people. I played Batman: Arkham City on the Wii U and they are doing some really cool stuff with the controller. Do you remember the Zelda demo they had on it? Would you not buy a Wii U just to play that? Of course you would. That’s what Nintendo is all about. Their hardware is the software delivery service for their great content. That Zelda demo was gorgeous and we can do even more than that with Unreal Engine 3. I think it will do great.”

Next, Rein talked about how Nintendo’s stable of franchises will boost sales. Additionally, Rein expressed confidence that parents are prepared to upgrade their children’s Wii’s. Even though he would’ve liked Wii U to be in store shelves last year, he’s still excited about it.

He said:

“It’s a great brand that a lot of parents really trust and they’re probably ready to buy their kids an HD Wii that does that much more than just being an HD Wii. I’d love it if they’d done it last year, but I’m excited for them to do it this year. I’d be shocked if it doesn’t do well. Did you play that Battle Mii game? Two players would play with a Wii Remote and Nunchuk and one would play with the Wii U controller? I would buy a Wii U to play that game in a heartbeat. And I hope people make those kind of games with our technology. I think we’ve yet to really see what the Wii U can do and I think at E3 this year they’re going to shock us.”

Epic’s confidence in Wii U means we’ll be seeing support from the company, right? Not so fast.

Rein said the following when asked about supporting the system:

“If I had 10 development teams I’d make a game for every single platform and make that the special game for that platform. If you’re the special game on that platform you do really, really well. Gears was one of the special ones on Xbox 360. Infinity Blade is a special game on the iPhone and iPad. Shadow Complex was a special game on Xbox Live Arcade. But we don’t have 10 development teams so it’s just a matter of picking and choosing what we do and doing the best thing we can for the idea that we have.”


GamesRadar has published a massive interview with Super Mario 3D Land director Koichi Hayashida.

Hayashida did share a few nuggets about the 3D platformer, such as how Statue Mario barely made it into the game and how the team considered implementing a time limit on Fire Mario as was the case for the Galaxy games.

Speaking of Super Mario Galaxy, Hayashida basically said that it’s unlikely we’ll see a third game in the “series”. He doesn’t see a realistic scenario in which the staff would use leftover ideas from Galaxy 2 for a possible Galaxy 3 title.

Hayashida also confirmed that downloadable content is a possibility for Mario, discussed his thoughts about Wii U, and more.

Head past the break for all of Hayashida’s remarks!

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