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Last month, Two Tribes delivered a promise that they would do everything in their power to bring Toki Tori 2. We now have a final confirmation that the game is coming to Nintendo’s new home console.

Two Tribes creative director and co-founder Collin van Ginkel has said that “it will be on Wii U. Definitely. Yes.”

That in itself is pretty fantastic news. But the company’s managing director Martijn Reuvers added that Toki Tori 2 might be available for the launch of Wii U.

He said:

“…we’re pretty sure that it’s going to happen really quickly after launch. Maybe at launch but we don’t know, depends on Nintendo plans.”


Dragon Quest X details

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments

Square Enix’s latest Dragon Quest X update features details about the jobs in the upcoming RPG. Additionally, the company has introduced a couple of characters from Ogleed.

The new details are as follows:

– Jobs aren’t like the ones in Final Fantasy
– Take on an actual job in the world and carry out job-specific things
– This includes making items and taking on certain quests associated with the job
– Use items you make as your own equipment
– Can sell items
– Quests include daily offerings and more complex mini story events
– Register at the Guild House to take on a job
– Need a recipe before you can make items
– Purchase recipes at shops
– Find rarer recipes in treasure boxes and secret areas
– Make items through a mini-game
– Example: As a weapon smith, pound away at the weapon and make sure each of the meters hits the green zone
– Job experience rises as does your level as you gain experience in your field
– Learn job-specific skills
– These skills can help make valuable items more easily
– King Bagudo: ruler of the Glenn kingdom
– Find the weapon smith guild at this area
– Bagudo is known by his people as a kind hero
– Eidos the Wise Man: can sense changes in the world
– He travels in an attempt to find/stop the source of these changes
– Eidos is a guiding force as you progress

You can find screenshots of the job system and the characters mentioned above right here.


GDC is, well, for developers, so naturally folks attending the event are bound to hear a few things about the Wii U from various industry members.

Kotaku’s Stephen Totilo ran into a financial analyst and a developer today, and shared a couple of things about what he heard.

Totilo wrote:

“Wii U chatter was mixed on day 2. A financial analyst told me Nintendo is screwed. Not enough time to be out on their own. A developer told me their fortunes are mixed. Good ambition on Nintendo’s part, but, well… it’s Nintendo, everyone says it’s on Nintendo for the thing to succeed. Same as it ever was. It’s almost all on them.”

This is just one analyst and one developer, so I wouldn’t be concerned about the quotes above. And I really, really wouldn’t be surprised if the mystery analyst was Wedbush’s Michael Pachter…


Nintendo and Havok have reached a licensing agreement for the Havok Physics and Havok Animation on Wii U. This will allow third-parties to use the engine on Wii U.

Similarly, it was announced today that Nintendo and Autodesk, Inc. have reached a licensing agreement “to provide Autodesk Gameware technology to its licensed developers creating video games for the upcoming Wii U platform and helping differentiate Nintendo’s new hardware”.

Announcements about these two partnerships can be found after the break.

Time to add Shin’en to the long list of registered Wii U developers! The studio’s website states, “We develop high quality games for WiiU, Nintendo 3DS, Wii, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color using proprietary tools.”

Shin’en has been a big supporter of Nintendo platforms for more than a decade, so I’m sure they’ll be cooking up some great titles for Wii U.


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