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Wii U

You remember Rodea the Sky Soldier, right? It was that very promising NiGHTS-like game that was set for a dual-release on Wii and 3DS.

Although we haven’t heard anything about the project since it was announced earlier this year, development has progressed well. In fact, Yuji Naka has said that the title is complete “for awhile now.”

“Rodea the Sky Soldier has been finished for awhile now. My part at Prope has been done. Now it’s up to Kadokawa Games to decide on the release strategy whether it will be come out for North America, Europe, and Japan.”

Naka was also asked about a possible Wii U version. At this time he explained why there are no plans for that:

“It’s finished as Wii title and as of now we have no plans to bring it to Wii U. Rodea was made specifically for the Wii so players could enjoy it by flicking the remote. If we tried to incorporate those controls into the large Wii U controller it wouldn’t be the same. I would really like for people to play and enjoy it on the Wii as I had originally intended.”


It has become clear that Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros., and Pikmin games are in development for Wii U. However, one franchise that isn’t a lock for the system is Star Fox.

In an interview with the Official Nintendo Magazine, Nintendo’s Yusuke Amano was asked about the possibility of Star Fox for Wii U.

Amano said:

“You’ll probably have to ask Miyamoto-san! But if we were to make a new one, it would probably have new exciting features that improve on what we’ve seen in Star Fox games before.”


Darksiders II producer Ryan Stefanelli has commented on some of the experiences he’s had with Wii U thus far. Specifically, Stefanelli discussed the touch screen that the console offers and mentioned how easy it was to enable full gameplay on it.

“Just to have something on the touch screen, we put the inventory and map systems on the controller – and even that small thing makes a big difference. When you collect a new piece of loot, you just look down to see if you want it, and can equip it instantly. I can’t say for sure if that’ll be in the final cut, but it’s really cool that the gameplay experience never has to be broken up by changing out equipment. …It (the touch screen) allows for quick weapon and equipment swaps. For example, you could have two different equipment sets for Death – one that’s geared towards heavy weapons and big armour, and another that’s designed for mobility and quick strikes. On the Wii U, all it would take to switch from one to the other would be a hot button on the touch screen, and multiple swaps could be made during an intense combat without ever pausing.”

“Our one and only goal once we got the Wii U hardware was to get Darksiders II running on it. We didn’t even have running the game on the touch screen on our ‘to do’ list. but once we got it running, we just fooled around with getting it on the touch screen as a lark. It took all of five minutes and two lines of code, and boom! – there was the entire game running on the controller. Amazing.”


Why so grumpy, mister?

Battlefield 3 was shown off during Nintendo’s E3 2011 press conference, but we haven’t seen much of the game since. Perhaps now we know why…

“We definitely see potential in the Wii U, but I wish I had the breakthrough idea for how to exploit the new controller. We’re definitely looking into what kind of new stuff we can do with Wii U. I don’t have that idea yet.” – EA’s Patrick Liu

Well, the Wii U isn’t out for a while, so he probably has some time to think about this before needing to implement it! Still, I’m hoping it doesn’t become a trend in the first few months of the Wii U’s life to just re-release games from the year prior on the console…

“Nintendo has surprised us so many times before. I was one of the sceptics when the Wii came out and it proved us wrong. I think they’re going to prove a lot of sceptics wrong again.” – EA’s Patrick Liu


No, I’m not counting that single screenshot Square Enix released after the Dragon Quest conference. These are the first true images of the game!

There’s been an absolutely ridiculous rumor floating around recently that a leaked document has revealed the name of the new Smash Bros. titles for Wii U and 3DS. I’ve refused to post that on this site, because, well, I think it’s ridiculous. People need to start filtering out what they find on the Internet…

But I digress! Perhaps responding to the “leaked” document, Masahiro Sakurai commented officially on the next round of Smash Bros. games. On his Twitter account, Sakurai said, “I’m currently concentrating on one title, Kid Icarus. Until this come to an end, Smash Bros. will not progress. Of course, characters have not been decided at all.”

This echoes what Satoru Iwata said at this year’s E3. Sakurai and his team are completely focusing on Uprising at the moment. And as we all know, the title was delayed to Q1 for all regions last week. That means development on Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS probably hasn’t even started.


A plethora of new Wii U photos have been released. Well, technically they aren’t new as the original images date back to June, but I don’t believe we’ve seen them before. Although all of the photos can be found in the gallery above, you can also find ultra high-res pictures here.

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