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Renegade Kid’s newly confirmed 3DS eShop first-person shooter will be a single-player experience only. Co-founder Jools Watsham confirmed on Twitter that the game won’t feature multiplayer.

Watsham tweeted:

Watsham also confirmed that Renegade Kid will be sharing concrete details about its FPS at PAX East in March.


Shin’en has almost completed development on Jett Rocket: Super Surf. The 3DS eShop game is expected to arrive “early this year”, according to Shin’en.

On YouTube, the studio wrote:

“Jett Rocket 3DS is nearly completed and? will be released early this year.”

Despite being confirmed quite awhile ago, Jett Rocket: Super Surf remains an enigma. Shin’en hasn’t outlined how the game will play, nor has it released any official media. Hopefully that’ll be changing soon!

Source, Via

Update: More quotes added.

About a week ago, Japanese publication Nikkei published an interview with Satoru Iwata. The Nintendo president had lots to say about Animal Crossing: New Leaf and other titles in the series.

Nikkei is back with another round of quotes from Iwata. Below you’ll find translated comments regarding Wii U sales, the GamePad’s origins, his desire to continue expanding the gaming population, and tons more that couldn’t possibly fit within this post’s title.

01Monster Hunter 43DSCapcom
02Dragon Qeust VII3DSNintendo
03Shin Megami Tensei IV3DSAtlus
04Metal Gear Rising: RevengeancePS3Konami
05Luigi’s Mansion 23DSNintendo
06Shin Sangoku Musou 7 [Dynasty Warriors 8]PS3Koei Tecmo
07Pikmin 3Wii UNintendo
08Gyakuten Saiban 5 [Ace Attorney 5]3DSCapcom
09Grand Theft Auto VPS3Rockstar Games
10Shining ArkPSPSega
11Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star BattlePS3Bandai Namco
12Soul SacrificePSVSony
13Final Fantasy X HDPS3Square Enix
14Final Fantasy Versus XIIIPS3Square Enix
15Summon Night 5PSPBandai Namco
16Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIIPS3Square Enix
17DmC Devil May CryPS3Capcom
18God Eater 2PSPBandai Namco
19Tales of Hearts RPSVBandai Namco
20Senran Kagura: Shinovi VersusPSVMarvelous AQL
21Dragon Quest XWii USquare Enix
22Hitokui no Owashi Trico [The Last Guardian]PS3Sony
23The Last RemnantPS3Square Enix
24Super Robot Taisen UX3DSBandai Namco
25Photo Kano KissPSVKadokawa Games
26Kamisama to Unmei Kakumei no Paradox [The God and Fate Revolution Paradox]PS3Nippon Ichi
27Dragon’s Dogma: Dark ArisenPS3Capcom
28The Last of UsPS3Sony
29Reiton-kyoju to Cho-Bunmei E no Isan [Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies]3DSLevel 5
30Macross 30 Ginga o Tsunagu UtagoePS3Bandai Namco


On Twitter, one fan messaged Platinum Games’ Hideki Kamiya regarding an eShop release of the original Bayonetta. Kamiya responded by saying that such a decision would be up to SEGA/Nintendo.

Some Nintendo fans may not have had the chance to play the original Bayonetta, so bringing the first title to the eShop could be a smart move.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

Source, Via

ONM’s latest issue has started to reach subscribers, but it’s the magazine’s next edition that is receiving greater attention.

For its February issue, ONM teases:

“Are you scared? You should be… World Exclusive! The first look at a stunning new game.”

The teaser page additionally contains art depicting pipework and engineering. Some are now speculating that Resident Evil is on the way to Wii U.

Convieniently enough, achievements leaked out last night for a title called Resident Evil Revelations Unveiled Edition. Perhaps Capcom will be bringing this new version to Wii U.

Thanks to Nom for the tip.

Source 1, Source 2

Aliens: Colonial Marines developer Gearbox Software received an offer to make a Call of Duty title. The studio decided against going through with it, however.

Pitchford said that making a Call of Duty “wouldn’t move us forward”, nor would there be a “significant challenge that would be gratifying to overcome.”

A translated portion of Pitchford’s German KGN interview reads:

“I don’t think there’s anything to accomplish there. I think if I was only in it for the money I would’ve done that.[…] I think to do ‘Call of Duty’ right you need to do what needs to be done and there are a lot of people who can do that. For us it wouldn’t add to our credibility, it wouldn’t move us forward. There would be no significant challenge that would be gratifying to overcome.”

Source, Via

3DS piracy has started to become a hot topic as of late. With rumors circulating that hackers are coming to close to breaking the system open, such a result could impact the market significantly.

Piracy was a monstrous problem on the DS. It eventually became so troublesome that publishers were hesitant to release games for the portable, and would sometimes pass on titles completely – like original IP.

DreamRift co-founder Peter Ong discussed the negative impacts of DS piracy on both his studio and publishers’ mindsets while speaking with Gamasutra:

Some may be down on recent sales for Nintendo, but it isn’t all bad for the Big N. The company’s stock saw the biggest increase in nearly four months once news came in that the Wii U has generated more revenue in the US than the Wii at the same point in its lifecycle.

Bloomberg reports a rise in stock to 5.6% to close at 9,070 yen. That’s actually Nintendo’s biggest gain since mid-September.


A few Mutant Mudds Deluxe details are included in this month’s issue of Nintendo Force.

Twenty new levels will be included in the downloadable Wii U game, as well as a new power-up and enemies. “Ghostified” versions of old enemies are present in these areas in addition to brand new ghost creatures. To take them down, Max will need to take advantage of the temporary “Ghost Shot” power-up – another brand new addition.

The new levels can be entered through a door in the hub world. As players complete the twenty original levels, brand new stages will be unlocked.

Developer Renegade Kid is currently mulling over the possibility of Miiverse support. If the studio heads in this direction, players will be able to leave comments to assist other struggling gamers.


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