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There is an amazing little video game fact buried in the ZombiU Iwata Asks that has gone unnoticed, for the most part.

Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, formerly the president of HAL, revealed how the company was named after IBM. He said that “HAL was named as such because each letter put us one step ahead of IBM”.

Here’s the relevant blurb from the discussion:


I feel like we were thinking in just the same way, but in totally different countries. (Laughs) I also started from a very small software development company.


We were inspired to aim big by the small yet dynamic world that was the early days of the gaming industry.


We were exactly the same in that sense. Ubisoft was named after Ubiquity because you wanted to be everywhere in the world and HAL was named as such because each letter put us one step ahead of IBM! (Laughs)


There are a whole bunch of quotes from Nintendo president Satoru Iwata below. You’ll find talk about Wii U’s day-one update, which Iwata regrets, Zelda and Mario for Wii U, working with third-party developers and publishers, and more.

Head past the break for the quotes. Believe me, you’ll want to read this stuff.

Mutant Mudds Deluxe, the beefed-up version of the original Mutant Mudds, will be available on the Wii U eShop in Q1 2013. This is actually the most-specific release window given by Renegade Kid thus far.

The studio is keeping quiet on most of the game’s details, but we do know one thing for sure, thanks to co-founder Jools Watsham. On Twitter, Watsham said Deluxe will have its own “unique content”.


Update: Nine people in total have completed Survival mode. The full list is below.

A little more than a week following its release, one player has managed to beat ZombiU’s Survival mode. The game’s development team was kind enough to give the user credit through an in-game message:


It’s time to learn a little bit more about the technology inside the Wii U GamePad. Did you know PNI Sensor Corporation provided the controller with a magnetic sensor, allowing it to maintain a nine-axis understanding of its orientation?

The GamePad’s magnetic sensor is somewhat comparable to the device included in hardware such as the iPhone. But because the GamePad is larger, PNI was able to cram in materials more sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic field.

Three different sensors are included in the GamePad: a gyroscope, accelerometer, and the aforementioned magnetic sensor. Collectively, the three pieces of technology track the X, Y, and Z axes to allow for nine-axis controls. PlayStation 3’s original Sixaxis controller, which includes a gyroscope and accelerometer, tracks six axes.

If the Wiimote were to make use of PNI’s sensor, any shaky cursor effects would be gone. And best of all, other magnetic interference doesn’t dramatically impact the controller’s performance.

For more information about PNI Sensor Corporation’s technology, head past the break for commentary from chief executive officer Becky Oh.

Update: Added in Future Shop’s description and English link.

A couple of retailers are listing “Yoshi’s Land” for release on Wii U. Entries were located on Future Shop’s site, as well as on Best Buy Canada’s.

I wouldn’t get too worked up about these findings, but for what it’s worth, Best Buy and Future Shop included the following blurbs about the “game”:

“Take Yoshi on an epic adventure to remember in Yoshi Land for Nintendo Wii U. Check out Yoshi as you’ve never seen him before: in glorious high definition. Enjoy dual-screen control thanks to the Wii U Touchscreen GamePad, while you’ll also be able to experience full integration with Nintendo’s MiiVerse service.” – Best Buy

“Join everyone’s favourite dinosaur in his first big starring role on Nintendo Wii U – Yoshi’s Land. Utilise the power of the Wii U Touchscreen GamePad to enjoy dual-screen fun in this epic adventure with stunning HD graphics and connectivity with the MiiVerse.” – Future Shop

I get the feeling that the person/people responsible for these listings simply took some inspiration from the Miiverse mockup menu leak. But a man can dream!


Many have wondered about what would happen to their Wii U if it were to break. Would your Nintendo Network ID still be intact? Would previously downloaded eShop games be made available to you?

This situation has, unfortunately, already happened to one unlucky gamer, but we at least have answers to some of these uncertainties.

In some cases, it sounds like Nintendo will provide consumers with brand new units if they’re irreparable. These consoles come with the day-one update pre-installed.

Regarding Nintendo Network IDs, users will be asked for their old account name, password, and email address during the initial setup. The system then warns that the ID will be inaccessible on other consoles.

And just like that, your old Nintendo Network ID will appear on the new console. Old notices will also appear on the system, and you should be able to download previously-purchased games once again.

The only strange thing is that some users have been experiencing issues getting onto the eShop with the new consoles sent to them. Hopefully that’s something Nintendo will address soon…


New Super Mario Bros. 2 Owners Get Free Downloadable Coin Rush Course Pack Based on Classic Games

REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nintendo fans worldwide have amassed a mountain of more than 300 billion gold coins in New Super Mario Bros. 2 for the Nintendo 3DS system, and the tally continues to climb. To reward players for hitting this massive milestone, Nintendo is offering a free pack of Coin Rush courses that game owners can download wirelessly within the game at no extra charge (broadband Internet access is required).

The free Gold Classics Pack was inspired by games like Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 3, and includes three new courses that can be played in Coin Rush mode. Players can test their skills, then share and challenge other players’ records through the StreetPass feature. The Gold Classics Pack is now available and will be free for a limited time to New Super Mario Bros. 2 owners. Starting Feb. 1, 2013, the pack will be available to purchase for $2.50 in the United States. A variety of other downloadable Coin Rush course packs are available for purchase through the New Super Mario Bros. 2 game.

Wii Mini really is a thing. But it’s a weird thing.

You see, this appears to be a Canadian-exclusive release. Nintendo says that it doesn’t have any details about a potential release in other territories.

That’s not the only odd aspect about Wii Mini. It has absolutely no Internet functionality, and unsurprisingly, it can’t play GameCube games.

The package itself comes with the Wii Mini console, a red Wii Remote Plus, and a red nunchuck. Wii Mini features a matte black design with a red border.

Canadian consumers can purchase Wii Mini starting on December 7 for $99.99.

Source 1, Source 2

One of my favorite things about the Wii U is that– relatively speaking of course– it’s pretty portable. Without having to unplug everything and re-plug it all later, I could just take the console, the power cord, and the controller and be set to go without a TV or any other cables. One Wii U importer in Japan has put this functionality to good use by playing his console on the train to test the limits of its portability.

Needless to say, he was pretty impressed! Take a look at some images below:

Looks like he even used his phone to connect to the internet and hop on Miiverse!

Via Kotaku

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