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Wii U

D3Publisher is releasing Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW! and Regular Show: Mordecai and Rigby In 8-Bit Land in North America. Thankfully, a separate company has picked up on the games’ European distribution.

It was announced today that Namco Bandai will be publishing the new Adventure Time and Regular Show titles across Europe (and Australasia). A release is planned for the fall.

Namco Bandai Games Europe senior vice-president Oliver Comte said:

“We are very excited to extend our partnership with Turner CN Enterprises, via our sister company D3Publisher, with two exciting titles based on the famous Cartoon Network animated shows, Adventure Time and Regular Show. Following the success of these two TV shows, we are delighted to bring truly authentic video game experiences to Europe and Australasia that will please fans of all ages.”

Source: Namco Bandai PR

We’ve had two dates for Sonic Lost World thus far. Over the past couple of days, SEGA revealed that the Wii U and 3DS titles will be out in North America on October 22 and Japan on October 24. What about Europe?

Gamers across the continent will have access to Sonic Lost World first. SEGA has made it official: Sonic Lost World will be available in Europe on October 18. It’s not a huge difference, but every day counts!

Hideki Kamiya, developer of the original Bayonetta and supervisor to the Wii U sequel, is interested in making a third entry in the series.

A fan asked Kamiya on Twitter if he would consider creating another Bayonetta if Bayonetta 2 becomes a hit. His response was simple but effective:

Source, Via

Play-Asia: ZombiU for $23

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment

ZombiU is currently on sale over at Playasia for $17.90. Throw in $4.90 for shipping, and the total comes out to around $23.

ZombiU is being sold through Play-Asia, but keep in mind that this is the US version. It’s like walking into GameStop and purchasing the game, but at a cheaper price.

Thanks to lmalafaia for the tip.

Companies have come up with products that are somewhat similar in nature to the GamePad. Microsoft, for instance, created a second screen experience through SmartGlass. But the Wii U has an advantage, Rayman creator Michel Ancel believes, since it’s the most responsive.

Ancel has also spoke about the GamePad’s touch screen. He prefers playing with a finger, and told ShackNews that “it’s not very natural to play with the stylus.” And so Ancel and the rest of the Rayman Legends development team created the game so that it could play well with a finger rather than a stylus.

“I think most of the kids now are more comfortable with tablets, they use their fingers. …we did some special developments to interpolate what the player is doing. It’s more accessible than most of the other Wii U games.”


The trailer auto-plays, so catch it after the break.

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