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Wii U

Engadget has taken notice of the Wii U disc, which appears to feature rounded edges on the in and outside. Why is this a big deal? The site says that it “feels different than any other disc we’ve handled before”.

Apparently rounded discs aren’t too common. There are other rounded discs out there, but you may not come across them too often.


“We added male and female versions of all of our professions, so now you can randomly get a male or female doctor, or specify which one you want. This gave us funny objects like Baberaham Lincoln. We added some new costumes for Maxwell, like a Bee Suit, Hot Dog Suit and Banana Suit. We’ve added funny objects like Nyan Cat, Hipster, and wacky waving inflatable flailing arm tube man. As far as inside jokes goes, we put our development team as spawn-able objects into the game and attach their likes, dislikes, and personalities to their in-game versions.” – Scribblenauts Unlimited Producer Brittany Aubert

I do enjoy hearing about some of the lesser-known objects in games like this! I would reckon that it’s chocked-full of easter eggs and things that most people won’t ever find! I guess having tens of thousands of words really lets you hide things…

You can read much more about the game (and hear about another cool easter egg!) in our Scribblenauts: Unlimited preview!

Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi believes the Wii U’s power is “right up there with PS3 and Xbox 360”. It also has the capability of running content on a second screen.

Ultimately, though, Hayashi thinks that creatively making games will be more important than anything else:

“In terms of power, it’s right up there with PS3 and Xbox 360 plus the power to run the extra screen on the controller. There is plenty of power there to use. For all of Nintendo’s hardware, it’s not about power; it’s about how you creatively use the hardware. When we make games for Nintendo, they are going to come and challenge us to use that hardware to make a creative game. That’s the key point from Nintendo that we always feel.”

Regarding Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge – one of Team Ninja’s first Wii U titles – Hayashi said the team wanted to make things more convenient:

“Ninja Gaiden is a console game, so we’re focused on playing it as a console game. We haven’t done a whole lot to change that because we know our fans who love that experience, and we don’t want to betray them. We don’t want to leave them out in the cold. It’s been focused on making that experience even more convenient for them.”


More summarization of the big ol’ Scott Moffitt article from earlier, this time about Nintendo’s overall strategy for the holidays.

Moffitt says that Wii U is NOT Nintendo’s number one priority for the holiday shopping season. The 3DS and 3DS XL are.

“We’re seeing an ever-growing momentum in our handheld business,” he said, “19 months in, we’re still a million units ahead of the pace of DS at this point in its life. As you know, DS was the best-selling gaming system of all time, and so we’re pleased with that.”

That really makes you wonder: Are people just over-exaggerating the trouble that dedicated gaming devices are in? If the 3DS is still a million units ahead of the DS, and the DS had had TWO holiday seasons by this time… it’s really tough to believe that iDevices are killing the handheld gaming market!

Via NintendoEverything!

Everyone has their own opinion on the Wii U’s price. I don’t think anyone would say it’s too lower, but there are some who would prefer the console to be priced lower.

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot is in the camp that would have liked a lower price for Wii U.

He said:

“I always prefer lower pricing, so I can’t say I’m happy. I’m never happy when the machines are expensive. What we have to do there is remember that compared to an iPad, it’s cheap. With what it brings [to the gaming table] it’s cheap. But I hope they’ll be able to drop their price in time.”

What do you think about the Wii U price? Too high? Just right?


Given that Mario Bros. U is in HD, you’d expect it to look better!


Nintendo of America Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing (quite the title!) Scott Moffitt talked a LOT about the Wii U recently, and he says that there should be more Wii U consoles on store shelves day one than the Wii had on its respective launch.

“We have said that we’ll have more Wii U units on store shelves in week one than we did for Wii in 2006.” he said, also noting that they’ll have shipments coming into stores “much more frequently” than for Wii.

“Having said that, though,” he continued, “we’re guessing there could be shortages. It won’t be there every day. Shipments coming in each week could sell very quickly.”

Scott also admitted that Nintendo didn’t know the Wii U was going to be so popular, but choosing not to run ads until late in the game due to this “wasn’t really part of the plan”.

“We buy through an up-front process like a lot of big advertisers, so we committed to these media buys long before we knew that we were going to have a sold-out situation to pre-sales. We hoped we would be sold out, that pre-sales would be brisk. But we didn’t have the luxury of waiting to see that to know what our major plans would be.”

Via NintendoEverything!

This comes from the game’s creator, Rasmus Kønig Sørensen (AwesomeBlade Software):

The games storyline is somewhat based on my own story. Our hero is this depressed and unemployed 32-year old guy, who hasn’t been able to get a job after finishing his exams one year ago. Our hero gets sucked into this happy, vivid and colorful 8-bit world where he has to overcome many obstacles to help him out of the status quo of unemployment and help him support his family.

So this is a personal story that deals with some adult issues like unemployment and feeling inadequate. Combine that with a vivid and colorful 8-bit world and you get something very different. This pretty much sums up my own story and I felt I had to do something about my own situation. To keep myself from going crazy from employment – I started programming 8-Bit Boy while looking for a job. So you might say that I also got sucked into this parallel 8-bit world of my own. I really hope you will enjoy 8-Bit Boy and relate to my story.

Via NintendoLife

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