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Wii U

ZombiU has experienced a complete metamorphosis over the past couple of years.

As many of you know, “Killer Freaks from Outer Space” was one of the first ideas the team was kicking around. Before this though, the staff worked on the short-lived “White Rabbit”.

International brand manager Loïc Gounon, explaining the idea to Nintendo Power, said that it was essentially all about “shooting white rabbits with guns.” Ubisoft wasn’t too fond of the prototype, but some its ideas transferred over into Killer Freaks… before that project turned into ZombiU.

Gounon told the magazine:

“I think we were six or eight people at the very beginning. We began in 2010, and then we had one or two months making some really weird concepts, and we didn’t really know what we were doing. And then we rapidly decided to do [a first-person shooter]. We had this prototype, White Rabbit, which was about shooting white rabbits with guns. That was not accepted [Laughs].”

Gameplay director Jean-Philippe Caro added:

“We worked on Rabbids for six years. Imagine ‘Bwah, BWAH!’ for six years. [Laughs] It was like being in hell. [Laughs] So of course you want something like a shotgun. We were at that point, and we did it.”

Walmart’s Wii U bundle is back in stock. Consumers can choose from a Basic or Deluxe Set, one game (out of six options), and a white or black Pro Controller.

If you select the Basic Set, the total should come out to $409 – not including shipping and tax. The Deluxe Set adds another $50.

You can place a pre-order here.

Edit: As Chris pointed out, technically you don’t have to buy anything– you can request a code and receive it via email!

We all know that Burger King has Wii U/Nintendo toys starting today, so it should come as no surprise that the fast food chain is teaming up with Nintendo to give away four hundred and ninety (that’s 490) Wii U Basic Sets (the white ones) between now and December 2nd. Don’t get too excited though– even if you win, you won’t receive your system until sometime in January or February, and you have to buy something from Burger King in order to obtain a code to enter on their official site.

Still, pretty good advertising for Nintendo! I really hope this “Wii U” thing works out for them…

Via BurgerKing (enter here) and WiiUOnly

We posted the video above yesterday. We’re posting it again for one reason.

55 seconds into the video, there’s a quick look showing the Wii U’s transition from the television to the GamePad. If you ask me, it seems practically instantaneous.

If all games transfer that quickly, Off-TV play will be a truly fantastic feature.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

Update: And now George has quickly clarified that he “didn’t say news. And I didn’t say a game is being announced.” But if something is happening on Thursday… I don’t see how it can’t be news.

IGN editor Rich George teased some exciting news for the Wii U just a short while ago. In a couple of tweets, George wrote that he believes the “Wii U finally has its ‘must have’ game. It ought to be the game that sells systems, but we’ll see.”

It appears that we’ll be getting some sort of news on Thursday. George didn’t explicitly say that we’ll be hearing anything about Wii U in a couple of days, but I can’t imagine it being about anything else.

Below are George’s tweets in full:

“I know it’s a little quiet on the Nintendo front but… it’s not. There’s a lot coming up. Starting Thursday… Also – I think Wii U finally has its ‘must have’ game. It ought to be the game that sells systems, but we’ll see. More soon.”


Joe Madureira is leaving Vigil Games. The comic book writer has been with the studio for seven years, working on the two Darksiders titles. He’s now moving on to greener pastures.

Madureira wrote on Twitter recently:

“So long @Vigilgames @THQ. Thanks for all the memories! @Darksiders was definitely a career highlight. Keep on kicking ass I’m a fan for life!”

He also left a message on his Facebook page:

“Farewell and best wishes to all my brothers and sisters at Vigil Games! After seven long years and two hit games (Darksiders BABY!) I’m afraid the time has come for me to move on to new adventures. I could not be more proud of what we achieved, or the awesome people who helped build up this studio. I can safely say Vigil’s future is in very good hands, so expect only awesomeness down the road. This feels surreal… I miss the place already.”

Madureira is planning on returning to the comic book world. Fans will learn about “the next big thing” sometime within the next few months.

In the meantime, THQ teased Darksiders II DLC over the weekend. The image above was released, and the following message was posted on Twitter:

“A new adventure awaits Death!”


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