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Wii U

Here’s a sneak peak of Geoff Keighley’s interview with Reggie Fils-Aime that will be featured on tonight’s episode of GT.TV:


At the moment, Grid 2 isn’t heading to Wii U. Codemasters actually doesn’t have any titles in the works for the console that we know about.

That being said, the company is leaving the door ajar for future possibilities.

Grid 2 associate producer Iain Smith told Joystiq that “there’s every opportunity at some point down the line” of a Wii U version. He added that other Codemasters games aren’t being ruled out for the system either.

Smith stated:

“It’s not being ruled out certainly. And certainly [that applies] across all Codemasters titles. Some platforms are more appropriate for certain types of games, but we just have to make decisions as and when they’re appropriate. We can’t say too much more at the moment.”


Tecmo Koei opened an official website for Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper. It can be accessed here.

At the moment, the site contains a page explaining the new features in Hyper. There’s a few small images to see as well.

We’ll replace the video above if we come across a higher-quality version!

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