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Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes, Ghost Trick Coming to North America and Europe in 2010
TOKYO, JAPAN — September 24, 2009 — Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, announced today that two titles on display at the 2009 Tokyo Game Show will be coming to North America and Europe in 2010. New Capcom titles Sengoku BASARA™ Samurai Heroes and Ghost Trick (working title for North America and Europe), displayed to the Japanese gaming public for the first time in Tokyo, will be making the transition to western gamers next year.

Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes, the latest in Capcom’s popular samurai action series, makes it first appearance on both the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Wii™. Set during a tumultuous period of Japanese history, Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes allows players to take up the swords of more than a dozen fierce samurai warriors in huge battles against hundreds of opponents. Players will be able to unlock playable characters, as well as supporting generals who will make it easier to command and lead armies with the ultimate goal of re-writing history to rule all of 16th century Japan. The action is fast-paced and stylish, taking combat cues from producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi’s other big series, Devil May Cry®. The game’s main campaign will be the same on both gaming platforms, with the addition of online co-op for the PlayStation 3.

Ghostfire Games ( today announced that their new WiiWare title, “Rage of the Gladiator” will be the first WiiWare title to support the Wii MotionPlus device. Rage of the Gladiator is a first-person perspective fantasy fighting game where you control a gladiator. Wielding a warhammer and shield, you must duel a variety of boss enemies in an arena.

“We listened to you, the Wii community.” said Ed Roman, CEO of Ghostfire Games. “The community encouraged us to explore Wii MotionPlus and we listened to your feedback. The result is pretty awesome – we actually love playing it with Wii MotionPlus even more than traditional controls. We’ve also added a basic motion sensing mode as well, for people to use the Wii Remote + Nunchuk in case they don’t have a Wii MotionPlus device. “

Wii Fit Plus European boxart

Posted 14 years ago by in News, Wii | 1 Comment



“Although a price cut is expected in the short term for the Wii, there will likely remain considerable scope for additional price cuts which will help extend the shelf life of the console well beyond what Nintendo has historically achieved with its TV consoles. This price cutting potential [of Wii] will likely be realised over at least three years and quite possibly longer obviating the need for an early introduction of a new console. However, Nintendo may elect to move to a dual product strategy with overlapping TV consoles (as Sony does) targeting different demographic and geographic markets. If it does go down that route then 2011 would appear a reasonable target for a new platform launch.” – games industry analyst Nick Gibson from Games Investor Consulting

Earlier this week, Square Enix’s president offered his thoughts about a new Wii, predicting that the system would arrive in 2011. So, that particular year seems to be the general opinion of when the next console will launch. But if Nintendo elects to follow a dual product strategy, the Wii will not disappear. There would be a situation in place similar to that of the PS2/PS3.


New Tsumuji screenshots

Posted 14 years ago by in DS, News | 1 Comment

We’ve been hearing all sorts of rumblings surrounding a Wii price cut in North America, but the UK may be receiving a bundle instead. The rumored bundle will supposedly include Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, a Wiimote/nunchuck, MotionPlus, and the Wii console. As was previously mentioned, the bundle would allegedly cost the same price, but consumers who would have been interested in purchasing Wii Sports Resort could save a decent amount of money.


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