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SAN FRANCISCO – November 3, 2009 – Today Ubisoft® announced that C.O.P. The Recruit, an open world action-adventure game specifically designed for the Nintendo DS(TM) system, has shipped to store shelves. Rated “T” for Teen, C.O.P. The Recruit will be available at the manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $29.99.

“C.O.P. The Recruit gives DS fans the opportunity to fight crime and protect New York City in an impressive, fully rendered 3D open world,” said Adam Novickas, director of marketing for Ubisoft. “With its awesome graphics and action-packed gameplay, we’re confident that gamers will share in our enthusiasm for this one-of-a-kind title.”

This information comes from Hudson’s official Twitter

“We’re official! Bomberman Blitz on DSiWare will be available for download on 11/9! Online portable Bomberman!”

Looks like there’s going to be a good amount of excellent titles to choose from the Nintendo Downloads next week. Remember, Excitebike: World Rally has also been confirmed to be one of the WiiWare downloads.


Innovative, Brain Teasing Puzzler from the Puzzle Masters Comes to WiiWare

Harderwijk, Netherlands – November 3rd, 2009 – Two Tribes, an independent developer and digital publisher and The Game Factory, an International publisher of family-friendly and casual video and computer games, are pleased to announce a new series of Rubik inspired WiiWare™ puzzle games. The first game of the series, Rubik’s Puzzle Galaxy: RUSH, will be made available on WiiWare to gamers throughout Europe this autumn.

Puzzle video game fans now have every need to be excited with the upcoming launch of Rubik’s Puzzle Galaxy: RUSH. Developed by puzzle game professionals Two Tribes, the creators behind the critically acclaimed Toki Tori (Wii and iPhone) and Worms: Open Warfare 2 (Nintendo DS™”), Rubik’s Puzzle Galaxy: RUSH is an original 3D puzzle game that provides hours of puzzling fun and excitement across more than 70 brain-busting levels. Utilizing the intuitive Wii controls, players ‘herd’ coloured cubes to their exit points across stylish environments using a crazy mix of tools including conveyer belts, warps and stop signs.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

– There are exclamation blocks in the game
– Peer loves the multiplayer
– He can play through a level with his kids
– Hit the A button at any time during multiplayer to go into the bubble, can help someone who is stuck
– Peer feels Nintendo cut corners with the game in some ways (ex: Two Toads)
– When you get 99 lives and you beat a level, you’ll show up on the map screen hatless, will be hatless in the game until you lose a life
– There are many 1-up opportunities
– Much harder than New Super Mario Bros. (DS)


Nintendo Week 11/2
New Super Mario Bros. Wii Video 2
Style Savvy Fashion advice from a professional stylist
Bakugan: Battle Brawlers “They Are Here” TV Spot
Style Savvy TV Spot
Band Hero DS Info Video
Need for Speed Nitro Rio Video
Nostalgia Launch Video
SimAnimals Africa Producer Walk-Thru Video
Tony Hawk: Ride – Tutorial Video #2 – Ollies
What’s New at Animal Crossing City Folk November
Carnival King Info Video
“Aha! I Got It!” Escape Game Info Video
Family Card Game Info Video
Battle of Giants: Dragons – Bronze Edition Info Video
Viking Invasion Info Video
Planet 51 Video 2
Infinite Space Teaser 3
Madden NFL 10 Accolades Video
Cars Race-O-Rama Info Video
Rock Band Metal Track Pack Info Video
Imagine Babyz Fashion – Info Video
Cabela’s Big Game Hunter 2010 TV Spot

Demos (Expire 11/8)

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games – Bobsleigh Race
Bakugan Battle Brawlers
James Patterson Women’s Murder Club: Games of Passion
SpongeBob’s Truth or Square

During a Q&A session at Nintendo’s Semi-annual Financial Results Briefing, both Satoru Iwata and Miyamoto answered a slew of questions. One particular topic was Zelda. Miyamoto discussed both The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and the next Zelda game for Wii.

“[Zelda ST] will be really fun. It’s turning out to be rather challenging. Many of our Japanese customers were introduced to the Zelda series with Phantom Hourglass, and ST could prove to be kind of hard for them, but I thought we’d show them what Zelda is really made of this time around. So it’s turning into quite a unique title. We’ve managed to gather quite a few creative team members for Zelda ST, so I’d like Zelda Wii to also enjoy creative development as much as possible. About MotionPlus. We’re implementing it so that players can feel like they themselves are holding the sword. In the previous Zelda (TP Wii) the targeting was based on the IR pointer. This time however, we’ll be using MotionPlus for a variety of more convenient targeting systems that will allow for more pleasant gameplay.”

Source 1, Source 2

La-Mulana gameplay video

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