Looks like Capcom loves hosting contests. The last time they teased a surprise, they began a Monster Hunter competition. And now it looks like they’re doing the same thing with Mega Man 9. The winner of their latest contest will receive a Mega Man 9 press kit while 15 runner-ups can obtain a code for the downloadable title. You can check out the details below.
On this day, a year ago, Mega Man 9 was released on the Wii. We mentioned yesterday that we’d be celebrating today with something special and we are. Unfortunately, there are no new announcements to be made (sorry, the internet), but there are prizes to be won. Specifically, one of the last Mega Man 9 press kits that we made over a year ago.
So, what’s the catch? Well, we’re kicking off a new Mega Man Tribute contest to be judged by a selected panel of Capcom employees. All you have to do is create something to show how passionate you are about Mega Man: baked goods, home-made models, music, videos, art, costumes, etc. Please be sure that it is something new that we haven’t seen before OR something that has been improved upon. Your goal should be to warm our cold, jaded hearts on the panel because here at Unity, we’ve seen tons of fan made Mega Man stuff. If you’re not sure if something has been done or not, do a quick search on the site.
A few weeks ago, we heard that New Super Mario Bros. Wii would be launching in November. This made perfect sense, since Nintendo’s only release is Style Savvy. But no there’s a specific rumored date. Apparently North American gamers will be able to play the title on November 15. Meanwhile, it’ll ship two weeks later in Europe, on November 27. As usual, we’ll have to wait and see if these dates stick but consider this a rumor until Nintendo makes an official announcement.
All of this information comes from Laurent Fischer, Nintendo of Europe’s Managing Director of Marketing & PR.
“We are not releasing any sales figures but all the sales figures have been very encouraging and everything is going in the right direction; we are very positive about the sales.”
“The Virtual Console is growing every week there is only one limit that can reached; the games that have been released in the past. Maybe one day we’ll reach that limit but I’m not sure if that day is close. The Virtual Console can help people with very different needs, such as people who were able to play the originals but maybe it is not as easy to have 10 consoles connected at once. With the Virtual Console you can enjoy the experience of playing these games within a console context with greater ease. I also believe, and it’s something we see more and more, people who are young, or new to video games, who have just recently begun to play. They may one day realise that there is not just the software for this generation of consoles but they can also find out all about video games. They understand there has been a lot of history and a lot of games and what I like is the idea that you will be able to, through the Virtual Console, one day understand that every single game we have on it is a masterpiece and a joy. They can now be seen as a masterpiece by the people who enjoyed them when they were released and also by people now through the Virtual Console. I feel that this is very important to us.”
“We have no plans to introduce the Virtual Console for the DSi. It is not within our current strategy.”
“I’ve made one for the DS, as you know. It wasn’t a typical DS game, though, that’s for sure. When you get right down to it, I’m not sure that I’m suited for portable games, you know?” – Tomonobu Itagaki
I played the heck out of Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword and thought it was fantastic. To be honest, I felt that the title filled in the lack of action-adventure titles on the DS. I’m still looking forward to whatever Itagaki is busy with next, though. He says that he’s “working on quite a few bombshells at the moment” and that the wait will be “just a little while longer.”
WiiTM-Exclusive Brawler Brings Old-School Style Together With Stunning Visuals, Epic Bosses and Dynamic Co-Op
SAN MATEO, CA — September 22, 2009 — Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced that Spyborgs™ has shipped to retail exclusively for Wii™. Spyborgs, Capcom’s hottest new thrill ride, combines an extraordinary sci-fi world with action-packed 2-player co-op, epic multi-stage bosses, and the old-school beat em’ up feel that will satisfy fans of the genre and fans of robot destruction alike.Spyborgs is rated by the ESRB as Teen and will be available this week on store shelves in North America for $39.99 or available now through online retailers and the Capcom E-store at shop.capcom.com.
The Nintendo DSi launched in Europe in April 2009 in white and black and is packed with new features that excite fans of, and newcomers to, the Nintendo DS range. The Nintendo DSi enables you to create, customise and share photos with friends & family, listen to and play with your favourite music and sounds, play over 1000 existing Nintendo DS games and download games directly to the console through the Nintendo DSi Shop which is accessible through the console.
And with the new colours comes a series of new benefits including the new Flipnote Studio and Facebook feature pre-installed. The Facebook feature allows users to post their photographic creations straight to their Facebook profile to get the most out of the fun image manipulation tools in the Nintendo DSi Camera. Flipnote Studio enables users to conveniently make notes on their Nintendo DSi or get creative and animate their own mini-movies! Upload and share your creations online via a special service accessible with the Nintendo DSi: Flipnote Hatena and join the growing community of animators!