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London (4th August 2009) – Square Enix Ltd, the publisher of Square Enix® interactive entertainment products in Europe and other PAL territories, today announces that KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days will be released across PAL territories on 9th October for Nintendo DS™.

With more than 12 million copies shipped worldwide, the KINGDOM HEARTS series is one of the most beloved RPGs in video game history. Disney and FINAL FANTASY® characters unite in a magical game world, engaging players across the globe with its gripping storyline and action-packed gameplay.

– Releasing tomorrow, 500 points
– Dieting software
– Can take before and after pictures of waist, face, other body parts
– Also use camera to take pictures of meals, draw calorie info on pictures, make comparisons to your daily targets
– Game keeps track of 10 meals a day for 90 days
– Enter weight and body fat percentage twice a day (afternoon, night)
– Game keeps track 1,000 days of data, provides graphs
– Weight, body fat, calorie intake data can be exported to CSV file on a SD card to view on a PC


Rumor has it that another Factor 5 project has been canceled, possibly a Superman game that was being handled by White Harvest LLC. Assets and projects were transferred from Factor 5 to the new company (as you may remember from that ex-employee lawsuit), but apparently the title, which was in the works for Wii, is no longer in production. It was canceled because the publisher didn’t have a ton of faith in the game. The project started development in February and is said to have involved converting a large open world title. While we don’t know what type of game it was for sure, there is a claim going around that it was a Superman project.

Interestingly, the same rumor source says that White Harvest LLC is still at work on a different Wii title. Factor 5 CEO Achim Moller listed that there were multiple Wii projects in development on his LinkedIn profile, but it’s unclear if that includes the canceled title. If we’re lucky, we may (or may not) receive some news at gamescon. And, while the rumored source has been correct with a number of unconfirmed reports in the past, this information should remain as speculation for now.

Best-Selling Franchise Delivers Most Realistic Fishing Experience On The Nintendo Wii Yet!

Burlingame, Calif., August 4, 2009 – Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer and publisher of family-oriented video games, announced today that Reel Fishing: Angler’s Dream has gone to gold master and will launch for the Nintendo Wii this month. The Reel Fishing franchise is known for setting itself apart from the competition by delivering the most true-to-life fishing experience.

“We can’t wait for people to get their hands on Reel Fishing: Angler’s Dream this month,” said Hiro Maekawa, President and CEO at Natsume. “It offers a fun and challenging fishing experience for novice fishermen and master anglers alike!”

Perhaps one of the oddest announces to have come out of E3 was Nintendo’s very own Wii Vitality Sensor. Sure, the Wii Balance Board received skepticism when it was first unveiled, but the Wii Vitality Sensor seems like a much different peripheral. Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto hopes that “people have confidence in us” even though he understands that showcasing software along with the announcement would have been preferable. Also, as has been Nintendo’s position with past add-ons, Miyamoto believes that the company has “lots of very creative ideas.”

“Ideally we would have been able to talk about this in terms of the software implementation rather than just the sensor itself. I don’t have any indication for you (of what we have in the works) other than to say that we have lots of very creative ideas.

We understand the challenge before us, and we have met these challenges in the past. We just ask that people have confidence in us.”

According to a report provided by Famitsu, the Nintendo DSi has surpassed the 3 million units sold mark in Japan. Total sales for Nintendo’s latest handheld stands at 3,062,920 while complete sales of all DS hardware have exceeded 27 million units. Famitsu notes that the release of the red DSi and Dragon Quest IX fueled recent sales. Both products launched in Japan on July 11.


Futuristic Racing Game Developed by UK-Based Awesome Play Boosts Onto Wii This Autumn

LONDON, UK – 4th AUGUST, 2009 – ZeniMax® Europe Ltd today announced that Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax® Media company, will publish WHEELSPIN™, a futuristic racing game developed by Archer Maclean’s studio, Awesome Play, for Wii™. Due out in autumn 2009, WHEELSPIN is a high-energy racing, high-impact game spread across a wide range of inter-planetary tracks and features three engaging modes as well as robust multiplayer options.

Whether you play in Solo, Race, or Battle Mode, you will find yourself racing around unpredictable race tracks at exhilarating speeds of up to 650kph! While Solo mode challenges you to beat times to unlock stages, discover short cuts, and find secret spanners dotted throughout the levels, Race mode throws you into a frenzied race against seven other cars across tracks that twist, turn, and launch cars through the stratosphere. Battle mode is an all out test of aggression versus mobility as you use an arsenal of weapons at your disposal in an all-against-all battle.

Famitsu has published a list of the best-selling games in Japan for the month of July. We’ve posted the results below.

Dragon Quest IX (DS) – 3,217,502
Wii Sports Resort (Wii) – 381,399 (735,226 total)
Friend Collection (DS) – 234,877 (405,367 total)

Hatsune Miku Project Diva (PSP) – 135,764
My Summer Vacation 4 (PSP) – 102,241
Pro Baseball Spirits 6 (PS3) – 94,504
Pro Baseball Spirits 6 (PS2) – 69,980
Penguin no Mondai X (DS) – 56,151
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G PSP the Best (PSP) – 54,278 (848,743 total)
Welcome Home! Chibi Robo! Happy Rich Cleaning (DS) – 40,084

Sands of Destruction trailer

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