Thanks to Jake for the last few news tips.
Best Buy
Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword (DS) – $9.99
Tecmo Bowl (DS) – $9.99
Samba de Amigo (Wii) – $9.99
PopStar Guitar (Wii) – $9.99
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (DS) – $19.99
Disney Sing It: High School Musical 3 Senior Year (Wii) – $29.99
MySims Party (DS) – $19.99
Following the news that Muramasa: The Demon Blade would no longer be published by XSEED, the company has said that the relationship between Marvelous and XSEED is perfectly fine. An XSEED rep has also given some insight as to why Ignition will now be publishing Muramasa.
“No damage control needed, things with us and Marvelous are fine as they are still a very important partner of ours. A business decision had to be made regarding the future of Muramasa: The Demon Blade and we respect their decision. And I’m sure you’ve heard by now that Ignition Entertainment is the new publisher, so the title is in good hands.”
This doesn’t come as a surprise to me. If there was a quarrel between the two companies, I would’ve expected something to be leaked about the reason why. The fact that neither XSEED nor Marvelous seems inclined to talk about any such details shows that it must have been a quick and clean break. It’s good to know that Muramasa will not be affected, though.
Thanks to Ross for the news tip!
Although it’s great to see new images of Spyborgs, the latest shots from CAPTIVATE 09 come with an added bonus. The first image completely confirms that Ace Attorney will be brought stateside. This follows the words of a Capcom representative, who recently told fans to “stay tuned” regarding Gyakuten Kenji localization news.
“There surely will be. I really can’t think of any reason why not, if everyone’s heated support continues. When it is said ‘Nomura will do III,’ I can’t say we haven’t thought of anything.” – Hasegawa-san
I can’t say I’m entirely surprised by this news. The question is, will Kingdom Hearts 3 end up on Wii?
I generally don’t post about charity events, but today is obviously a slow news day and this is for a good cause. NES games will be played from 12:30 PM to 8:30 PM PST for Child’s Play.
Thanks to Bridge C for the news tip!
Are you short on cash? Do you have a bunch of stars on Europe’s Club Nintendo? Well then, for a measly 5,000 stars, you can receive the spectacular Wii title Little King’s Story. Go on, do yourself a favor!