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Devil Survivor screenshots

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We’re on somewhat of a screenshot spree today as you folks can probably tell!


Purchases at GameStop Include Exclusive Code to Unlock Joey Logano and the GameStop Car

January 15, 2009—Joey Logano, the youngest driver in history to win a Nationwide Series, is one of two unlockable drivers in NASCAR Kart Racing, which ships to North American retailers on February 10th. Logano drives the #20 GameStop Toyota Camry in the Nationwide Series for Joe Gibbs Racing. Purchases of NASCAR Kart Racing through GameStop online or at GameStop retailers will include game packaging that contains the exclusive code to unlock Joey Logano and the #20 GameStop car.

NASCAR Kart Racing, the first and only NASCAR racing title available for the Wii, will ship to retailers in North America on February 10, 2009, just in time for the Daytona 500 and the official start of the 2009 NASCAR season. Designed exclusively for the Wii, NASCAR Kart Racing enables players to grab the steering wheel as a famed NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver and speed through treacherous landscapes, wind around rocky cliffs, jump rivers and dodge falling boulders. Up to four players can go head-to-head, via split screen, in a mad dash to the checkered flag, making NASCAR Kart Racing an ideal game to play with family and friends.

EDISON, N.J., January 15, 2009 – Dive into life as a Puffin as Majesco Entertainment Company (NASDAQ: COOL), an innovative provider of video games for the mass market, today announced Puffins: Island Adventure for Nintendo DS™. Developed by Other Ocean Interactive, Puffins: Island Adventure is an adventure simulation that lets players experience what it’s like to be one of Nature’s most unusual and endearing seabirds.

In Puffins: Island Adventure, players become part of a Puffin flock and experience their arduous, but rewarding, existence as they learn to fly, dive, start a family and more. While navigating through the island, they will interact with other Puffins, play games to earn the favor of their peers and raise a family to carry on their legacy. Puffins: Island Adventure features mini-games that relate to real-life Puffin activities underwater, in air and on land. By mastering the Puffin 500, Puffin Plummet and Tide Pool Fishing, players earn reputation points that unlock pictures and videos of real Puffins in their natural Canadian locales. If players make it far enough, they will unlock new levels and even their very own Puffin burrow. Gameplay through the untamed wilderness is accompanied by traditionally-styled Atlantic Canadian music composed of exotic instruments including the tin whistle, fiddle and bodhran. Music composition features the talent of one of Canada’s most popular artists, Alan Doyle, frontman for the world renowned band Great Big Sea. In addition, Puffins: Island Adventure also features 4 player local and 2 player Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection multiplayer modes.

“You’ll have to get it [Monster Hunter Classic Controller] from an import shop. Neither MHG or that controller is coming to the US. Sorry.” – Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development

It is a bit unfortunate that North America will miss out on Monster Hunter G, but at least Monster Hunter 3 has a good chance of heading stateside.

It’s unclear at this time if this game will be released for a Nintendo system – or even for any console – but this footage looks pretty legitimate if you ask me.


1. Grand Theft Auto IV (Xbox 360, Rockstar)
2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360, Activision)
3. Halo 3 (Xbox 360, Microsoft)
4. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (Xbox 360, Ubisoft)
5. Army of Two Army of Two (Xbox 360, Electronic Arts)
6. Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo)
7. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, Nintendo)

8. Fallout 3 (Xbox 360, Bethesda)
9. Assassin’s Creed (Xbox 360, Ubisoft)
10. Mario Party 8 (Wii, Nintendo)


North America has traditionally been the first country to receive the Metroid Prime games, but in the case of the original remake for the Wii, gamers overseas will have to wait a bit longer compared to Japan. The Metroid Prime remake has been given a February 19th release date. The obvious attraction here is that the game will make use of the Wiimote and nunchuck similar to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. A true 16 x 9 mode and some finer textures are expected to be present in the game as well.


If you live in Japan, there are some special Monster Hunter goodies on the way for you. Capcom has revealed that retailers will sell a special Classic Controller. Gamers will be able to pick it up when Monster Hunter G releases (April 23rd), and have the choice of purchasing the controller in a bundle. Not enough to motivate you to buy Monster Hunter G? Well, it has been additionally revealed that the game will come with a demo of Monster Hunter 3.


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