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Posted 16 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Best Buy

Alvin and the Chipmunks (DS) – $19.99

Circuit City

Alvin and the Chipmunks (DS) – $19.99
Kabookii (Wii) – $19.99
Paws & Claws: Pet Resort (DS) – $19.99
Wii Zapper – $19.99

N64 – Cruis’n USA

Sega Master System – Wonder Boy


Tanya Bryon, a physcologist, and the Prime Minister of Britain, Gordon Brown, have conducted a six month review which has been primarily centered around a new videogame rating system. Brown has recommended a more in-depth classification system so that ratings would be similar to movies. Moreover, Brown suggested a major change in regards to the ways in which videogames should be advertised and advised that the selling of games to a child younger than the rating of a title should be illegal. The ultimate goal of of these proposals is to protect children.



– Microphone comes with retail game
– More music to be available through WiiWare
– Monthly charge
– 1000 songs will be added each month
– “Uta Suki” to be utilized for online rankings, co-op play, communication (text or voice not confirmed)

Alien Crush – August release


Bomberman – June release date


Blue Oasis – takes advantage of Nintendo Wi-Fi


Tetris – July release


Source 1, Source 2

-Sky Kid
-Volguard II
-Bokosuka Wars

Super Famicom:
-Famicom Detective Club Part II
-Hercules no Eikou IV

-Kirby 64

Master System:
-Wonder Boy

Mega Drive:
-Musha Aleste
-Phantasy Star III

PC Engine:
-Riot Zone
-Legend of Valkyrie
-Digital Champion: Battle Boxer
-Monster Lair

Neo Geo:
-Metal Slug


First day sales in Japan

Posted 16 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

NDS Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 – 30,000 (50% sell through)
NDS Lux-Pain – 8,000 (20% sell through)
NDS Tetsudou Seminar: JR-Hen – 3,000
WII Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga – didn’t make it (<1000?)
WII Tomb Raider: Anniversary – didn’t make it (<1000?)


AGOURA HILLS, Calif. – March 28, 2008 – THQ Inc. (NASDAQ: THQI) and JAKKS Pacific, Inc. (NASDAQ: JAKK) today announced that WWE® SmackDown® vs. Raw® 2009 is in development for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, Wii™ videogame console, Nintendo DS™ and mobile devices. Joining the immensely successful World Wrestling Entertainment® roster of WWE SmackDown/SmackDown vs. Raw licensed videogames, which have shipped more than 37 million units worldwide since 1999, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 is expected to begin shipping to retail outlets worldwide this fall.

“The ambitious cross-platform launch of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 last year yielded tremendous growth for the franchise, as we delivered multiple gameplay experiences across seven platforms and greatly expanded our audience of WWE videogame fans,” said Bob Aniello, senior vice president, worldwide marketing, THQ. “With dynamic new features and the extension of our gameplay experience through downloadable content, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 will bring more console, handheld and wireless gamers together to enjoy the virtual world of WWE.”

“We are tremendously excited about the next groundbreaking release in the billion dollar WWE SmackDown vs. Raw videogame franchise,” said Nelo Lucich, vice president of interactive, JAKKS Pacific. “Downloadable content, innovative experiences with tag teams and a new Create-A-Finisher feature, along with significant annual improvements across all platforms, combine to bring the sports entertainment experience to new heights and gratify our long-time fans, casual gamers and franchise newcomers alike.”

DS Lite 65,055
Wii 62,404

PSP 59,833
PS3 12,874
PS2 9,990
Xbox 360 1,407



– Tecmo Bowl coming to both the Wii and DS.
– Disney asked Warren Spector to create a Mickey Mouse Mario-killer.
– Traveler’s Tales to make games (plural) based on live-action Akira movie.

Review Scores – Wii
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: A, A-, A- [Game of the Month]
Okami: A, B+, A
Opoona: C, C+, C+

Review Scores – Nintendo DS
Lost in Blue 3: B-, C, D+
The World Ends With You: A-, B, A-
Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer: B+, A, B

Coming in the June 2008 Issue
– Feature on the “sweetest” games you haven’t heard of yet, including Capcom’s Dark Void.

Sonic Chronicles
– Random battles, turn-based
– Allocatable skill points
– Branching dialog paths
– Dialog close to Mass Effect system
– Core story has a single outcome


A young boy, Olivier Baptiste, was killed by a close friend, William Suarez, after Baptiste refused to give him a videogame. After Baptiste had visited Suarez’s apartment, holding a videogame in his hands, Suarez demanded that his “friend” hand the game over. Baptiste refused, and Suarez immediately revealed a gun and pointed it at Baptiste’s head. Oliver had actually told Suarez to “Stop it. It’s got a bullet in it.” Suarez pulled the trigger, but it did not fire. Suarez pulled the trigger a second time, however, and a bullet struck Oliver Baptiste in the left temple.

It’s always extremely sad to see events such as this. I feel terrible for everyone involved, and hopefully something like this will not happen again.


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