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There have been some pretty crazy Wii U release date rumors before… but this latest one may take the cake.

Apparently Burger King will be receiving toys relating to the Wii U on October 25. That has sparked speculation that the console could launch in late October or early November.

I still personally believe that the Wii U will release in mid to late November. But with Nintendo, you never know!

Thanks to Lars Havnes for the tip.


A LinkedIn profile confirms speculation that Star Beast is coming to Wii U. It seems that the game is being made for the system’s eShop.

Also rumored is that Nintendo is looking to attract mobile developers. Further information on this isn’t available.

We don’t actually have any details about Star Beast yet. What we do know is that the game is also in development for the PC and mobile devices.

Even though the 3DS introduced SpotPass for the first time, the concept stems from an earlier Nintendo system. The Wii made use of a similar idea with WiiConnect24, but it was severely underutilized compared to SpotPass.

So what’s the point of talking about this? Now that the “downloading while you sleep” feature has been realized with the 3DS – for the most part anyway – there’s a chance that the Wii U could be supporting the functionality.

As shown in the Wii U development kit image above, there appears to be a setting for “Spot Pass setting”. That alone isn’t enough to confirm anything (especially since we can’t confirm the validity of the photo), but it wouldn’t be too surprising to see a form of SpotPass support for Wii U.


Wii U will have achievements on a game-by-game basis. While they aren’t mandatory for developers, it’s possible that there will be an all-encompassing system called “Wii U Accomplishments”.

That speculation comes from the image above. It’s a snapshot from the Project Cars “Career Design Document” from May.

Nintendo hasn’t said too much about achievements on Wii U. But for what it’s worth, the StreetPass Mii Plaza on the 3DS does have its own set of accomplishments.


Nordic Games’ Painkiller: Hell & Damnation could be set for Wii U.

A new document unearthed from developer The Farm 51 hints at a possible version for Nintendo’s new console. A roughly translated excerpt suggests there are plans “involving production and release of new games in the series ‘Painkiller’ for the Wii U.”

Here’s the blurb in full:

“The Farm 51 Group developer has obtained an official game development license for the Wii U, whose premiere is planned in the fourth quarter of 2012. It should be noted that unlike the Xbox 360 platform and PlayStation 3, which are available on the market for several years, the opportunity to create games for the Wii U before the planned market launch is made ??available only to developers who are are planning to release titles in the coming years particularly of interest to Nintendo. In this case, not only the history but experience and current status of the issuer was analyzed, as well as the market potential for future products. The issuer has taken this action in cooperation with the publisher Nordic Games, in plans involving production and release of new games in the series “Painkiller” for the Wii U.”

One would think that if this information is trustworthy, Painkiller: Hell & Damnation has a good shot of landing on Wii U  – though we’ll maintain a bit of skepticism until anything is officially announced.


Now that we’re starting to close in on a Wii U release date announcement, speculation is running wild. The latest rumor, coming from Kotaku, concerns the console’s Australian launch.

The site reports that Nintendo will ship Wii U on December 6. An unnamed Australian retailer provided Kotaku with the unconfirmed date and also said that every pre-order at EB will be fulfilled.

Nintendo won’t say when it plans to launch Wii U, but a December 6 release date isn’t entirely far-fetched. When the Wii came out, it launched on December 7 in Australia, which is also a Thursday.

We’re probably about a month away from an official Wii U release date reveal. Nintendo is expected to share launch information sometime next month.


Last we heard, Unchained Blades was scheduled to hit the eShop before year’s. It’s already been released on the PSP as a download.

Nintendo’s latest press release does raise a few questions about the status of the 3DS release, however.

Even though it still sounds like Unchained Blades is still on its way to the eShop, Nintendo lists the game as a retail title as well.

So what’s the deal here? Simple mistake? Or is Unchained Blades seeing a dual release at retailers and on the eShop?

SEGA’s plans for Gamescom sure have changed over the past few months. Originally, the company was expected to miss out on the show. Last month though, SEGA confirmed that it would be making an appearance.

Now we’re hearing that in addition to its Gamescom appearance, SEGA will be holding a press conference at the show.

Strangely, there aren’t many outlets talking about the media event. Nothing is listed on the official conference sheet either.

In any case, if this does go down, it’ll be happening on August 17 at 11:30 AM. We’ll have any news that comes in on both sites.


GameStop’s Wii U advertising may begin in full force next week. It appears that Nintendo’s promotional material will be officially permitted on August 13.

At the moment, GameStop does not have an SKU for the Wii U in their system. This will be changing on August 13 or shortly thereafter… supposedly. So if this latest speculation is reliable, Wii U pre-orders will begin next week.


Word on the street in that issues with manufacturing have caused Nintendo to “delay” the European launch of Wii U.

CVG sources say that Nintendo initially planned to ship the console in November. At one point, a major publishing firm executive, whose company is working closely with Nintendo, felt that an early 2013 launch was likely. No need to worry though: Nintendo has guaranteed a 2012 release.

As far as the US is concerned, the goal is to get the Wii U ready before Thanksgiving.

Wii U’s manufacturing issues apparently stem from its technology. The controller is complex and features a wide array of components, including its own power supply. If CVG is to be believed, Nintendo has not yet shared the Wii U’s launch date due to these problems, but it should be noted that such issues shouldn’t be a cause for concern. Most console launches tend to face a bit of trouble before launch.


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