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Bounty Battle

Bounty Battle

System: Switch
Release date: September 10, 2020
Developer: DarkScreen Games
Publisher: Merge Games

Indie games deserve their own Smash Bros. Bounty Battle is not that game. On the surface, it does so much right: like Nintendo’s all-star crossover brawler, it gathers dozens of popular characters from a variety of iconic indie games to duke it out in 2D fighting action. But it doesn’t take long for its promises of epic indie crossovers to fall apart. Bounty Battle is broken, hideous, and nothing short of sickening to play. It’s worse than disappointing: it’s a disgrace to the hard work of the indie developers who mistakenly lent their characters to this abomination.

Bounty Battle

After a previous delay, the indie fighting game Bounty Battle is appearing on Switch this week. Find some footage in the video below.

Bounty Battle is slated for September 10 on Switch.

Bounty Battle

Merge Games and Dark Screen Games have issued a new animated trailer for Bounty Battle. Get a look at the video below.

Bounty Battle is due out for Switch on September 10.

Bounty Battle

Following a previous delay, publisher Merge Games and developer Dark Screen Games have set a new release date for the indie brawler Bounty Battle. The beat ’em up title is now scheduled for a Switch launch on September 10. It was last expected in July.

Here’s an overview of Bounty Battle, along with a trailer:

Bounty Battle

Publisher Merge Games has announced that the indie brawler Bounty Battle has been delayed indefinitely.

Previously, the game was on track to launch this month. However, it has now been pushed back to implement “significant improvements” that the team wouldn’t be able to finish “without a slight delay.”

Merge Games’ full statement reads:

Bounty Battle

Bounty Battle will no longer have a physical release in North America, Dark Screen Games has confirmed.

The developer confirmed the news over on Twitter. When asked about the physical version in the states, Dark Screen Games said it’s no longer happening due to the coronavirus pandemic. It appears that Europe will not be impacted.

Bounty Battle will initially launch on Switch via the eShop on June 23. It was moved back from its original June 16 date “due to some technical hiccups.”


Bounty Battle

The indie fighter Bounty Battle is experiencing a slight delay. Originally scheduled for July 16, it will now release on July 23. Publisher Merge Games informed Nintendo Everything that the change came about “due to some territorial hiccups.”

Here’s a refresher on Bounty Battle for those that haven’t been keeping up with our previous coverage:

Bounty Battle

Publisher Merge Games, along with developer Dark Screen Games, announced the final release date for the indie beat ’em up crossover Bounty Battle. The game launches for Switch via the eShop on July 16.

We have the following overview and trailer for Bounty Battle:

Dark Screen Games has been seeking funding on Fig to develop Bounty Battle, a new 4-player fighter featuring a slew of indie characters. That goal was recently reached with over a week remaining. Having raised $30,000, Bounty Battle will be created for Switch.

Bounty Battle has a huge lineup of indie characters. Guacamelee, Axiom Verge, Battle Chasers: Nightwar, and Owlboy are just a few of the games represented. Along with twenty indie characters, players can also choose from ten unique fighters, “each with their own unique playstyles and combat abilities.”

Bounty Battle isn’t just about the characters. Levels will also be included from their respective indie games.

Watch a trailer for Bounty Battle below. You can also find the Fig page here for more information.

Thanks to Gwelan for the tip.

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